Chapter 9

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I was settling myself from a noisy party music so here I am..sitting alone at one of the benches besides the oval..I still absorb about Timothy's plan on winning my he really serious to me??he is a well-known playboy in I his newest flavor of the month?but a sudden ache in my chest when I thought of that..ouch..I'm not a menu..many what if's floods to my mind..What if he knows the real me?What if, Tim's life will be on danger because of me??What if,he cant accept that I am a vampire?

I can sense..someone is coming..I know his presence..Why he's here??I tilt my head and face on a right direction..I was right,its Shaun Van Delmore..he sitted beside me..
"How did you know,its me?".he ask me without looking at me.
"Are you a mind reader?".I was amused..and he just laugh .."Are you a vampire?". He directly ask me and it makes me speechless but I still manage to answer him. "Do not answer me with a question..".I was maintaining my fierceness.."Your still the same,Louise Eustace Pierce..I was gladly to know that you are still that girl from the past 500 years.." .he is smiling playfully and I don't know why it creep the hell out of me.."Pierce? We know each other since then?"..I was already panic..I know,some of my memories are lost..after the burning forest incident..I woke up without remembering anything from a very past experience..I only remember the memories of living in the Yorkshire..and the battle of vampires and hunters..Is it possible that my real name is Louise Eustace Pierce before?..because I was became a Lincoln after they saved me...

"I'm happy that I already found you once again Louise..Your beauty never fades even your wearing those latest clothes and not a vintage clothes as before..I know that it was you..".he stares at me so dearly.I was very confused now.."Who are you?".I ask him eagerly..he smiles at me then he answer,"I'm Vlad Shaun Van Delmore...I'm also a vampire and your only love".he directly answers me and it made me shock..I never thought I was in love before..all of those hundred years,I was waiting in vain of that love then I just know now that I was already had it and he is the guy in front of me?part of my brain don't believe him and my heart was on protest about that love for systems cant accept this revelation..I know he's lying..

"You just lied!!!"..I stood up..I faced him so mad.."I understand the way you lost your memories after the battle of vampires..and Lincoln stand as your foster family after saving you..but before,you are a Pierce..Louise!...we both in love each other!!.".he is also mad now.."I...I don't remember anything about you..leave me alone..".I was confused and I was running away from him...My mind is full of blurry flashback memories..My mind is tired and my knees getting weak but before I fall down.. someone's arms catches me..I find warm comfort on Timothy's embrace..

"Stacey are you okey?".he worriedly ask me..he carries me on his arms on a bridal style and we seated on a near bench.. he lend me closer on his chest and let me rested there."I'm fine.. I was just tired.."..I lied to him.. "I'll bring you home..lets go..".I nodded and he's still holding my back..I decided to go home. I'm not in the mood to party after what happen.. I just send text messages to those girls and boys that I was go home first..I don't wanna bother them since I can saw them partying and having fun..

Were on Timothy's car..He was heading to the road on our way to the Mystic Forest entrance..I was wondering why he knows my address..."You know where I live?"..I asked him.."Yes...every night I've been following check your go home safe".he was serious this time..I was surprise that was so sweet but suddenly I was felt nervous..
did he knew now that were a vampire??he stops the car in front of our huge glass house.."Coffee inside?".I treated him a visitor this time so I invite him for a coffee..Valerious and Caroline is not home,they went to a business,its just the two of us here..

He accepted my invitation and we went inside..I saw him looking around the house,so I decided to make him a coffee..After brewing it in a coffee maker..I brought to cups of coffee and a cream..I settled everything on a tray and serve in front of him..he put enough cream to his coffee and he took a sip..I did same thing with my coffee too..

"Desmond..thank you for helping me"..I smiled a bit.."From now on Stacey..I will always here for you.what I said today is real..I'm serious..".he stared at me intently and he moves closer to me.."Desmond....".I uttered almost a whisper..
"Stacey..hmm..I like you.."..he told me with his sweet voice.."I don't like you Desmond".I bit my lip..I lied...but he was still stay close to me.."I don't believe you Stacey.."..its a whisper from him while his staring on my lips.."You just going to hurt me..your a playboy..". My senses is back now..I was fiercely face him.."I know.. but please..give me a chance to prove you that what I felt for you is different from other girls"..he's pleading eyes caught me..but I was still fight him back..I'm not going to be vulnerable this time.."But I have told you already,I don't like you and stay away from me"..I answered him.."What you are saying now is opposite on how you feel..Don't lie to yourself Stacey..specially to your heart..I might sound bull, but my feelings is real Stacey"..he seriously confess to me...he fix himself and stood up..."Take your rest tonight..I'll fetch you up here tomorrow..we will go to school together"..he said with a smile on his face..he never give up on me,I know..I just nodded and looking at him walking through the door then he shut it close..

"I don't like you Desmond.. because I love you.."..I uttered those words because that was my heart wanted to tell him..

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