Chapter 7

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I went to school with my girls Hillary,Imogene and Ellis..We passed by with group of cheerleaders practicing for this coming sports feast..the days was fast approaching..I saw Quincy and Dianna doing their best..I just shrugged..

Accidentally, the four girls in the cheerleaders got injured when they didn't make a better form of pyramid stunts..too bad..I wanna help them but Ellis stops me..then I saw the medics runs towards them and rescue the girls..

We just continue our walk and attend our Physical Education subject..Hillary,Imogene,Ellis and I were classmates..our topic this day is about Gymnastics.. it went well..Four of us got a high scores when we perform a Gymnastic moves very well.. four of us are flexible..we are a cheerleaders and a dance troops on our former schools..But it just bring chaos to us when some other girls in campus fight against us because of their we decided not to join any of the extracurricular here to avoid that trouble again..

After the dismissal, our prof called us four.."Girls,I saw four of you gracefully and expertly perform the gymnastic moves in our class a part of cheer leading committee I was helping to recruit another four girls to join cheer leading contest since the four girls got injured while on practice...I'm asking all of you this favor for the betterment of our school,since we are the undefeated champion for how many years..can you please replace those four girls?and I hope you reconsider me".Our prof pleading us.

Four of us talk each other through our minds and we all agreed..but we promise that this will be a first and last favor..our prof was happily brings us to the field where the cheerleaders continue their practice..she introduce us as a new recruitment...I saw Quincy and Dianna rolled their eyes and I just ignored them..they never been so kind to me since I just focus on the practice and carefully perform a stunts with my girls.. Students are watching on us..even baseball varsities are there too..I saw Tim with his arm wraps with bandage..he's not wearing his practice attire so I guess he was exempted since he is wounded..We ended up our practice after the four of us performs a thrice back stroke series of tumbling stunts on different directions and we landed the ground perfectly..
Students clapping their hands,shout their cheers and whistles..four of us just smiled and walks to our locker..

"So,Stacey...after you broke my brother's bones,here you go again,stealing peoples attention from me??.Quincy was madly confronted me.."Ohh? Your brother deserves it for being such a wore..and I'm not stealing any ones attention..I cant blame them if they cant take their eyes off of me coz I'm worth watching for"..I sounded bitch this time and the hell I care...she's getting out of my nerves.. besides I don't wanna to this but our prof making this as a favor and I don't feel like to refuse it..while my girls were just silently watching me and Quincy with their deadly glares to her..I know,I got them at my back..we left Quincy before we cant control ourselves and make her as our dinner tonight..just kidding..

I went to the Mystic Forest that night..for me,It was a peaceful place in The Yorkshire..The moon show its fullness for the third night..
I enjoyed watching it and feel the night breeze..I could still remember the past how sad I am watching this place burning..I was thankful that the forest fully recovered now..I heard footsteps coming near me..

"Stacey?can we talk?",a familiar voice spoken at my back.."And why are you here Timothy Desmond Parker??"
I maintained my composture.."I need your explanation why you wanted me to back off??"he sincerely ask me.."What for?? You better not to ask me..It will just hurt your ego..",My words are hard.."I cant understand how the way I feel every time your helping me..I feel something special from you..".on his soft words and expressions,I felt my heart is racing.."Desmond,pls enough..We cant be friends,can you understand me??".my voice already high.."why?because of Quincy??we already broke up..I broke up with her"..he told me with his deep voice.."Its not because of Quincy..and why do you broke up with her?..even if I hated her the way she treats me,I'm not doubting that you like her".I answered him.."I cant tolerate her anymore..her attitude towards you and anybody.I was mad at her when she let her brother do that to you".he still serious with his words.."You shouldn't have to involve me with your reasons Desmond..Quincy will gonna hate me more".I told him with my husky voice.."I will protect you,the way you protect me Stacey".he stared at me so dearly.."Desmond,I can protect don't have to worry about me..please just go away before everything gets worst..just leave me alone.." .I'm asking a favor this time..Timothy's life will be in danger if he gets involve to a girl like me... somehow this time,I'm still protecting him.."I still cant understand your reasons because for me it was invalid and unreasonable..but for now I let this conversation pass..and one more thing,don't be afraid to be with me Eustace Louise Lincoln.." with his serious face,he left me dumbfounded and speechless.

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