Scenario #5

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I was seated in the back seat of my family's car as we drove across the ocean on the Abelone bridge. I watched silently as the rain poured outside and admired the stormy clouds that blocked the bright and beautiful sun. The radio played softly in the background, but mostly my parent's urgent, hushed whispers and my sister's tablet that was playing Monster High filled the car with activity. 

I didn't bother to try and listen to what my parents were so urgently whispering about as I was lulled into a dream-like state by the sound of the rain pounding on my car roof. I thought about the vacation we were on our way to as I stared aimlessly at my reflection in the window. My attention was diverted to the large tablet in my sister's lap that was slowly sliding to the doom that is also known as the car floor. 

I leaned over the empty space between us and caught it just before it fell. I turned it off and placed on the seat between us before deciding to look at the road in front of seeing as my dad wasn't doing so as he glared daggers at my mom and her the same. What I saw out the car window caused me to stare in shock and horror of the events I knew were about to go down. I could only stare helplessly as my dad averted his attention to the girl standing in the middle of the road and cursed under his breath as he took a very sharp turn causing the car to spin wildly on the road.

The scream that had been lodged in my throat was finally let loose by some unknown source as we tumbled over the railing of the bridge and into the vast, open ocean below us. I lurched forward from the impact and my world went black as my head was rammed into the back of my mother's seat.

When I came too I was still in the car and it was still underwater, but what made me cry out in despair and allow more water into my burning lungs was the revelation that was left alone. I desperately screamed and choked as water continued to travel into my body. My parents were nowhere in sight and my sister's car seat was left vacant. When I noticed her car door was left opened I weakly drifted over as my life slowly left me. But when I exited the confined space of the car and into the open waters of the ocean I knew my death was inevitable. Why? One simple fact that I'd forgotten as I barely fought for my life.

I can't swim.

So I floated there, suspended in the water as my life slowly left and thrashed as the water consumed my lungs. I barely had any life in me as I felt a strong arm wrap around my torso and pull me to some unknown destination. The last thing I saw before my vision finally faded to black, was his piercing blue-green eyes, and the golden tail that replaced his lower half as it shimmered in the water.

• • • • •

Sometimes I wish my dad had been more responsible on the road, or maybe I wish that girl hadn't been there the day she was. But then there are other days where I'm glad the things the happened that day did, for I wouldn't be where I am today, so in a sense, that day was the worst and best day of my entire existence. 


So, if you couldn't infer from the video in the media, I came up with this after watching Shawn Mendes new music video for his song Mercy which I absolutely love. I think I might make this a book, who knows. But let me know if one of you want to in the comments or through private message (pm). Also, can I just take the moment to say how fucking amazing Fifth Harmony's new music video That's My Girl is??? Like gosh fucking damn! It makes me speechless every time I watch! #Harmonizer

*601 words*

-XxxReadingFanaticxxX (•~•)

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