Scenario #13

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I whimpered and scooted away as he stalked towards me with that ugly smile on his face. I stared in fear when he knelt next to me. Then there was pained.

I screamed in blinding agony as I looked at the knife that was now embedded in my thigh. White soon became red as my blood soaked the dress. White hot tears trailed down my face as Michael's roars sounded over my screaming.

I screamed and writhed as he began twisting the knife in my leg.

"Stop! Stop! Please Stop! Michael, please!! Please! Someone, help!" I cried. I knew it was useless though. Everyone was dead. And Michael would soon follow.

I put my head against the cold tiled floor and screamed again as he ruthlessly snatched the knife out. Whimpering as my head is lifted by the tugging of my hair my eyes drift to see Michael.

He was being held by two large men with scars all over their bodies. He struggled in their hold, but they wouldn't let up. I could the rage in his eyes and feel how helpless he felt through the bond.

"Michael," I cried.

He stopped and looked at me. I could see the sorrow, the hate, and helplessness. The defeat, the love. I could see it all.

"It'll be okay," I whispered, and he struggled more when the barrel of a gun was placed on the side of my head, "it'll be okay baby."

Tears were running down his face as well and his eyes weren't the baby blues I loved. "No," he said, "Kat, no please."

I couldn't breathe as I watched my strongman look at me with so much defeat in his eyes. I choked on a sob as the click of the safety turning off resounded in my ear.

"Say goodbye, Sweetheart."

I closed my eyes and waited for it.


The gunshot ranged through the air like a whistle. All was quiet, then it wasn't. The sound of a body hitting the ground caused my eyes to open. I was still in the hall. My thigh was still throbbing in pain and blood still flowed from the deep hole. But none of that mattered.

What mattered was the body across from me. I didn't process it for a while. I just stared and hoped it was a nightmare. Or maybe a hallucination. As long as it wasn't real. But it all came crashing down when his head turned in my direction and baby blues met chocolate brown.

I screamed. It was all I could do as I rushed across the seemingly vast space and pulled him into my lap.

"No, no, no, no," I whispered as I shook my head, " no, please. Michael, please."

His hand came up and I quickly grabbed it and placed it on the side of my face like he always did.

"Kat," he said before he broke out into a coughing fit.

"Michael, this wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to get hit."

"It's okay," he started, but my sob cut him off.

I shook my head, "No! It's not okay! It's not fucking okay! I was supposed to die, not you!"

He smiled that breathtaking smile, "Then I would have died unhappy," his thumb rubbed gently across my cheek and I leaned into the comforting feeling.

"At least now I can die happy," he whispered.

"What about me?! What about my happiness?! Please, Michael, I can't do this without you," I sobbed.

"You'll get through this, I know you will."

I just shook my head as I looked into his baby blue eyes.

"I love you," I whispered as a kissed his forehead.

"I love y-"

I watched as his eyes went void of life and felt as his hand went limp in mind.

"Michael?" I whispered.

"Michael stop joking."

"No! Michael! Baby! Michael, please don't leave me alone!"

I knew that he was gone though as his veins glowed yellow and flowed towards me. I gasped at the sensation of his power flowing into me. It was like a flip switched in me. I felt nothing. Heard nothing. Saw nothing.

But his killer.


I really don't even know where this scenario originated from. It just showed up when I was half asleep on the bus 😂.

*691 words*

-XxxReadingFanaticxxX (•~•)

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