Scenario #18

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Harsh breaths filled the air as I pushed my burning lungs to over the edge. My legs and arms were on fire but at the same time numb. My head was pounding and my vision constantly went in and out of focus as my heart beat thrummed throughout my entire being.

"Rápido," I continuously repeated until a loud growl sounded close from behind me. I didn't dare look back, I only proceeded to push my to limit I knew I would pay for when this was all over.

I knew even if I made it through this I would be in bed for long time as the strong flowing snow nipped and bit at my largely exposed skin. I didn't have time to grab anything besides the white coat of one of the people I attacked. If they didn't kill me the cold storm havocking above me definitely would.

I stopped as large open space suddenly laid in front of me. If I went out there I no longer had the coverage of the trees, but if I stayed any longer I would definitely die a slow, painful death. So, with that thought, I hesitantly but swiftly made my way across the unknown land. Creaks and cracks followed every step I made but I paid no mind to it as I focused on the other side of the open land that promised tree coverage again. I became nervous as I could hear their thundering paces and deep growls getting closer. The ground beneath me felt firmer than that of the forest floor but at the time it felt extremely fragile.

I heard shuffling behind me before a deep growl resonated through the whole frozen clearing. I turned around to see two large wolves glaring at me as they bared their teeth threateningly at me. I sucked in a harsh when the two men that would forever be in my nightmares appeared next to their pets.

"You are one determined runner," Kolt, the tallest of the two, said after a deep chuckled left his cracked and bloodied lips.

"Too bad she's dumber than a box of rocks," Trey, the short one, said before he revealed a large branch from behind his back. He lifted the branch above his head and that time something in me told me to run.

So I did.

I heard the collision of the branch and ground which was soon followed by the crack and pop of the ground below me. Until suddenly..

It wasn't below me anymore.

And I was encased by freezing cold water.

I thrashed and looked around but it was pitch black, there was only a spotlight on me from the hole I'd fallen through. I looked up to see my escape and reached my hand out hoping I'd somehow be able to reach it, but it was no use.

My lungs burned and after opening my mouth my throat burned to as water pushed it way into my body. I just stared ahead, pain probably clear as glass in my eyes, as my body convulsed and struggled against the enemy invading.

When something firm wrapped around my waist I was too far gone to react. I just simply stared ahead at nothing a something pulled me through the abyss of water.

Before my body completely gave up and my eyes closed sea green orbs stared into mine.

So as I glided through my peaceful escape with the help of an unknown being, I floated away with the color of the green sea in my mind.

Is it just me or was that intense?

Who was the mystery person in the water?

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Who was the mystery person in the water?

You will probably never know..

(You guys in my head)

*593 words*

-XxxReadingFanaticxxX (•~•)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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