Scenario #15

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It's dark. It's so very dark.

My eyes are open, but anyone would assume they were closed of I told them of how noting but pitch black darkness surrounded me. I don't know where I am. When I came to the darkness was already here. I was in a sitting position with my knees pulled up to my chest. The counting trickle of water was the only sound I could hear beside my harsh breathing.

I screamed a short scream when I felt something cold and wet collect around my feet and bottom. I searched around with my hands only to realize I was in a very small and confined space. I couldn't move from the position I was in without hitting a barrier. I searched around the small box blindly with my hands and mentally died on the spot when my fingers ran over multiple holes along the top.

Water continued to gush into the small space and I felt panic when I felt no way to get out. The water was now at my chest and it became harder to breathe as the realization that I was mostly going to drown soon filtered through my mind. It was when it reached my shoulders that the hysterics came and I began screaming and crying for help. I banged on the unknown with my small, pale fist and stomped with my soaked foot.

I tilted my head up as the water reached my mouth. I was going to die and I didn't even know why. What happened? How did I end up here? Who am I?

Freya Minu

That was the last thing that crossed my mind before I inhaled my final breath and the water filled over my head.

I continued to bang on the unknown barrier, but my movement were slow and proved useless as the water prevented much effect. No longer able to hold my breath I began to inhale and instantly choke on the water that held me captive. I spasm in the small space my body looking for some kind of relief. I movement become fainter and fainter until no longer moving.

I just exist. I exist, floating in that small space staring at nothing as a different kind of darkness begs for my acceptance.

I stare mindlessly as I light suddenly shines from above, chasing away the darkness. I imagine it's the angels coming to take me to their sanctuary. I watch as they somehow open the clear box. Hands encased in black fabric grab me by my waist and thankfully remove from the cramped confines of that horrid box.

The last thing I'm aware of is the angel clad in weird black clothing pulling my to the light.

Then I finally accepted the darkness and let it take me.


So I don't know where this came from. Maybe it's because the movie 47 Meters Down has been on my mind all day. Maybe it's because I was thinking about a book I recently finished where the main girl was claustrophobic. Idk. Hell, it could be both.. Anyways use it if you want. That's what I them for.. that and because I just want them out of my head.

*467 words*

-XxxReadingFanaticxxX (•~•)

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