Scenario #11

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I refused to allow myself to move as I stayed there, crouched behind the large bush. The dark night was brightly illuminated by the blazing fire only a few feet ahead and I repeatedly flinched every time a shadow dance across the trees. My thighs and ankles groaned in protest as I stayed crouched behind the bush and the ground was so tempting I almost just gave up and sat on my ass.

But the thought of everything at risk, if I did that, kept me from it.

Colors painted their faces and feathers poking out from their heads. Their hair was wild and the few clothes they wore had to represent something for them. I contemplated slipping into the group and acting like them only for a second before I threw that idea out the window in my mind.

My pale skin would easily be spotted against the tan crowd and my pale blue button up and dark wash shorts would definitely be seen as weird compared to their tribal cloths.

Any other time I wouldn't mind going out there and declaring that I meant no harm, but the long, sharp spears that they danced around with kept me from doing that.

I knew I was on their territory. I knew I was an outsider.

And I knew, if I went out there, they would hesitate to throw a spear straight through me.


I came up with this a while after the music video from Cold Water by Justin Bieber came out. The idea kinda just came to me. I never finished it, but always looked at when I was updating another scenario.

Finally decided to finish it.

*232 words*

-XxxReadingFanaticxxX (•~•)

P.S. - Had I not Googled to make sure, I would have spelled Bieber Beiber 😂😂😂

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