1. Accidental fall

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Love and Trust plays a beautiful and vital role in blooming all the relationship and in strengthening the bond. Here is a love which blossomed in a couple when the guy did even know the real meaning of love and a girl who hated the term Love as she never experienced it due to some tragic events in her life. Will see how he melts her cold and hatred filled stone heart with no ray of light..........💕......

A dimly illuminated hospital ward. A girl is sitting in a special room with her husband sleeping peacefully hugging her tightly. She was running her fingers in his hair lovingly as sleep was far away from her, thinking about her life how in just few months everything changed just by a bunch of Lavender flowers. As her arrogant self has just left her and changed into a sweet and lovingly person but only for her "Lavender love". A lone tear escaped as she went back to memory lane, few hours ago........

she was sitting in front of ICU lifelessly crying and praying for her husband. She was helpless standing not being able answer soha's censure and was not knowing how to prove herself to the people around are all trying to separate her from her beloved husband and her only family, who just came in senses and was going frantic as he saw a bunch of Lavender on his side table with a note, "From yours and only your Little one". (Soha kapoor who claims herself as friend cum love of manik. She is with him for some mysterious reasons like working for someone). Doctor was checking him a little later sometime 2 ladies walked in as doctor summoned them to have a talk about patient's health condition, he could recognize one lady of 50's as his mom (Niyonika Malhotra a powerful woman wife of Raj Malhotra taking care of Malhotra business in Middle East. She is hell busy with business that forget to keep a check on whats hapening with her son) but other only had a blur image. The other lady was around 23 ran to him hugged him was going on ranting as to asking him health, scolding him for being careless. He was just confused as to who she is yet loved her presence and care. At that time entered a lady of around same age with furious expression who just shouted at the other one..... Nandini.....
(Nandini Murthy is only Daughter of late Mr Ramachandra Murthy and Nanditha Murthy a famous businessman in world and a billionaire. They were most amazing parents who were the world to her but passed away in a car crash. Now she is married to Manik Malhotra which is a secret.)
The Soha yelled Nandini stop acting u r just a maid, dont trap my man in your sweet words & tears

Nandini; soha don't try to create misunderstanding please she begged

As Niyonika was standing stunned as she had heard the word "MARRIED" soha's censure against nandini broke niyonika's trance. She was not aware of the Manan marriage coz elder Malhotras were so involved in business that they were clueless about what was going on in their son's life... She was in a fix not knowing what to believe and what not to............ She was in quandary as soha is shouting and claiming that its not Nandini who is his love, whom he send flowers, whom he got married, nor who took care of him while he lost his mental sanity.

Manik who is admitted in the hospital as he fell from stair and got badly injured on head. He lost his memory but not fully, he has blur images of a girl looking after him. He screamed Lavender love while getting back conscious after an major operation. He got back his senses about 12 hours after the operation........

Manik is strangely feeling drawn towards Nandini seeing her concern for him but is not able to trust her not only due to soha's words but also as he did not had a clear picture in his mind......

His trance is broken by Soha's scurrilous words for nandu, then shouted pulling and pushing nandu out of the room that its Soha who loved Manik unconditionally and took care of him and not her.

Nandu had enough, at last her temperament gave up still she very calmly said can ask some questions to soha if she answers then she will leave u all and go far away from ur lifes.

After thinking for some seconds soha with a smirk said go ahead nandu as if she going to get what she wanted......

Nandu; u said u were the one who got the flowers and love note from manik right? Soha nodded.....

Okay soha u said u took care of manik day and night without even caring about yourself right?

Soha noded then smirked, then nandu asked something which took away soha's breath......

Where were u soha when manik fell from stair soha ????

What were doing in Hotel Paradise soha???
Soha was sweating badly....

Why did Madhyam reserved a room for u soha and what were u doing with him all day and night?? Soha had nothing to say.... was just looking scared......

Answer me damn it screamed nandu....

Okay chalo lets chuck all this said nandu let me ask wha..... but Niyonoka interrupted and said we cannot chuck nandu maddy is our rival in all and wants to harm manik

Nandu said nothing just blinked in assurance, hmm soha tell me what do i call my lady love nick name manik asked which shocked nandu

Not knowing what to do soha stood there head hung low as she got herself trapped in her own plan of framing nandu as culprit.
Nandu whispered the name....

Manik didn't remember past but he had a small blur picture of his little one's love which overwhelmed him so without caring about his pain ran and engulfed her as she said "Little one". Nandu was startled by sudden hug but responded soon ....

Frightened by nandini's rebuke, soha just ran away from there....

Niyonika just smile genuinely as nandu had proved that she loves manik selflessly and can keep him safe from all the evils.....

Nandu's trance was broken by Haidar who entered the room with some food and changes for nandu

Nandu smiled at him and said something that made him speechless.....it was u who put Lavender in his room right....

Haidar just looked at nandu with a small smile trying to put an innocent facade as if he don't know what was she saying.......

Nandu smirked and asked who put these flowers i want to know? With that haidar took a step back.........not knowing what to say he was dumbfound as to how she caught him......

Who is haidar friend or foe ????

❤ Cherry ❤

Manan ff  Lavender The Flower Of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora