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chapter twelve; who in merlin's name is this girl, and what is she doing at hogwarts?

Ginny sat by James during Transfiguration; which she got the impression Lily wasn't so happy about. He still couldn't figure out what to write in that god damn poem. He was bent low over his parchment, but he just kept muttering to himself, writing something down, and then crossing it out frustratedly; which needles to say, made Ginny laugh.

"Evans from the heavens? Heavenly Evans—ly? Lily the — the — frilly? What in Merlin's name rhymes with Lily?"

Ginny stifled her giggle in her elbow. James turned towards her and scowled, before posing a question.

"Does it count if I rhyme Lily, with Lilyflower?"

Before Ginny had the chance to answer, however, Professor McGonagall interrupted.

"Please pay attention, Mr Potter," She snapped. She turned back to the chalkboard, hesitated for a moment, then turned back to James and added, "And no, it does not count."

"Thank you, Professor," James smiled.

Not long after, class was dismissed. Ginny was going to hang around and speak to McGonagall about Teddy — which she was almost completely sure was the reason for her lateness. But unfortunately, someone else had planned to talk to her too. And of course, that was none other than Sirius Black himself.

So Ginny — being the curious Gryffindor that she was — waited outside the door and listened to their conversation. Little did Ginny know, that Marlene was around the corner, watching her every move.

"Did he see that article in the prophet?" Professor McGonagall's voice emitted from behind the door.

"About the Death Eater's murdering the muggle family? Yeah, he paced the dormitory for hours, then just flopped onto his bed when Remus and Peter came in," Sirius said.

"He was nodding off in class again," Professor McGonagall said in a concerned voice. "And at lunch."

"He hardly ever sleeps anymore," Sirius sighed. "I'm about ready to hex him, just so that he can be unconscious for a few hours."

"No, don't do that. Offer him a sleeping potion right before bed."

"He'll never take it."

"Then disguise it."

"Professor, I'm impressed!"

"He's been looking a bit peeky, too. Do try to get him to eat something. Even if you have to force it down his throat!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"And, him and Lily?"

"It's not looking good, Professor. He and that new girl...what was her name? Binny, I think...Well, they accidentally kissed and apparently Lily saw, and despite both of them telling her it was a mistake, she refuses to believe it."

"Right, well, I'll try and get some sense into her...discreetly. Go and get some food into Potter, Black."

"Right you are, Minnie!"

As Ginny realised that Sirius was heading her way, she straightened herself up, and walked in, passing Sirius on her way, making it look like she had just arrived.

"Ah yes, Miss Granger, how may I help you?"

As Ginny approached McGonagall, Sirius left, and Marlene tip toed around the corner, eavesdropping on their conversation, just like Ginny had to Sirius.

"Did Dumbledore tell you?" Ginny asked as soon as she knew Sirius was out of ear shot.

"Yes, Miss Weasley, he most certainly did." Marlene gasped outside the door.

"That's good, otherwise this would be awkward," Ginny laughed. "So, what did you do with him?"

"He'll be staying in my office."

"But, don't students enter your office, Professor?"

"Yes, they do. But I've put an expansion charm on the closet, so he's living safely in there. However, if anyone happens to see him, we can just say he's my Grandson."

"Professor, you're not that old!"

"Well, then he can be my nephew, I suppose. But I assure you that he's in good hands."

"I don't doubt that he is."

"Do you know me? You know..." She trailed off unsurely, but Ginny knew what she was getting at.

"Yes, I do. You're my Professor!"

"Very well then, Miss Weasley, you may leave now."

"When can I see him Professor?"

"You may enter my office whenever you want and take him. But I hear from Dumbledore that you requested that he spend time with Mr. Lupin."

"Yes Professor. But I can't just say to him 'Here, this is McGonagall's nephew and she wants you to play with him' because that's just...absurd."

"Well then how do you propose we handle the situation?"

"I'll think of something, Professor."

"Very well. I've had enough of being 'Mother McGonagall' for today. I have a class to teach in a few minutes, so if you could kindly escort yourself out the door, that would be greatly appreciated."

"Thank you, Professor."

"It was a pleasure, Miss Granger," McGonagall winked. She was a marauder at heart.

Ginny left the classroom with a grin plastered to her face. She had a free period now, so there was no need to rush. But once she had gone, Marlene was left staring after her.

Marlene was utterly bewildered of the context of this conversation; she couldn't put any of it together. Why is Ginny pretending to be someone that she's not? Who were they talking about? What did Remus have to do with anything?

But what really got Marlene excited was the the fact that she was right. She had been all along. Ginny wasn't who she claimed to be. And she was going to find out who she really was.

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