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It was a Saturday and our 13th day on earth. We were packing for our trip to Okunoshima or Usagi Shima (Rabbit Island) in Takehara. I was so excited to go there. It was going to be my first time going there in all my life. Well, as for now, I wasn't alive anymore but I will still say it that way. I had never felt more alive than these days. Apart from Yamada's strange behaviour, I had been spending time hanging out with him which was all over amazing. He took me to places I had never been or thought of visiting. We put down mount Fuji and Cat Island in our next destination list. It surely was going to be awesome!
Yamada was being nice and friendly all morning. I helped him prepare for our breakfast. It was pancake with maple syrup and milk. One thing that I was still curious about was, where did he get all these food from? I had never gone to the market or helped him buying anything yet. Don't tell me he stole the food from the market... I will never forgive him for that! This was one of the things that I would need to find out!
Anyway, our bags were packed with snacks, juices and extra pair of outfit and we were ready to go. We were going to Hiroshima! The weather was wonderful today with bright clouds and birds flying in unison. The wind kept on blowing my hair, such nice breeze to feel while walking alongside the tranquil village. There were people everywhere along the way but of course they couldn't see nor hear us. I wish they could, though. The villagers seemed all friendly and nice.
A few hours later we were on board on a ferry heading to Rabbit Island. The sea looked so blue and amazingly harmonised with the beautiful sky above it. I couldn't help but to screamed in excitement.
"What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Yamada from behind me as he was climbing up the stairs to get to the upper deck.
I turned to him in disgust and yelled back. "Living life and enjoying this majestic view!"
"You know you are dead." He said flatly.
"I honestly feel more alive than I had ever been before." I walked towards him and grabbed his shoulder.
"You should, too. Look at how beautiful this world is!" I said to him, pointing to the beautiful sky.
"Beautiful? You call this beautiful?" he said in disagreement. I smirked at him teasingly. I didn't get what he was saying. I let him to continue speaking as he looked like he had a lot more to say.
"Innocent people everywhere are killed for no goddamn reason by those f**king selfish and ignorant people. They are willing to do anything to get what they want. The good and talented ones died, and this world is left with those bastards. I see no beauty in this world. People don't use their brain and heart anymore." he spoke of it as though he had experienced everything on his own. I looked down to the floor and couldn't process what I was going to say. The fact that I was killed hit me hard in the chest. I used to have a lot of dreams, but now everything was gone. I had given up a long time ago though. I had let all my dreams go, sincerely.
I raised my head and turned to him. "Well, the good always go first, don't they? But this world is still beautiful. Beautiful sea, mountains, animals.. There are beautiful friendships too. Try to look at things from different point of view and you'll understand." I stared at the sky again, trying to absorb the feeling of bliss and gratitude.
"Beautiful friendship.." he murmured, more to himself than to me.
"Did you have this kind of friendship?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the sea below.
"Yea, I did. We have a beautiful friendship." I said as my mind trailed off to the old days.

"You are responsible for this, Kei!" I yelled as he smirked at me.
"No thanks, sort it out yourself." He said while walking away innocently.
I could only sigh heavily, wiping off the coffee that spilled on my shirt with a piece of tissue. This was the second time Kei spilled coffee on me and not even saying or feeling sorry about it. Good that it wasn't boiling hot! I didn't even know why he likes to tease me all the time. But as far as he could go, I couldn't even hate him for doing so. He was just too cute to be hated on, and he was..... Ah. Forget it! I didn't hate him but neither did I like him. No way in this world I would ever like a guy like him. It just so happened that we worked together on daily basis and I couldn't help but to follow the stream. He is an excellent writer and I really adored him for it.

"Lucky for you." Yamada replied in a harsh tone after a few moment. He must had noticed it that I was staring blankly and smiling to myself like a lunatic. I jumped to my feet and he started walking away. Why was it so hard to talk to him? He seemed to be a very mysterious guy.
"Hey, wait!" I called out to him and dragging my feet to catch up to him. The ferry had come to a full stop and everyone was leaving. The children were screaming in excitement as they spotted the tiny creatures in distance.
"Did I say something wrong?" I grabbed Yamada's hand to stop him. He shook his arm lightly, trying to get away from me but I didn't care.
"You didn't. Now let me go." He said reluctantly, stopped in the way just after we had left the ship.
"You're lying."I said, walking away towards the group of cute bunnies.
I sat on the ground and began to stroke the rabbits on my lap. They were white, brown, and some are brown and white in colour. They were so cute!!
"Was it a guy?" Yamada asked me all of a sudden, joining me on the ground.
"Huh?" I asked him in return in confusion.
"Your best friend." He said without glancing at me, continue stroking the bunny on his lap. I turned to look at him and there was obviously displeasure on his face.
"Oh, I see. You're jealous?" I said loudly, nudging his arm with my arm. His expression quickly changed into disinterest.
"Not in a million years." he jumped to his feet and walked away, carrying the bunny in his arm.
I could tell that he was, anyway!
"Can I take a picture of the bunny while you're holding it, please?" said someone in front of me, woke me up in an instant. I was confused and scared at the same time. How could he see me?
He looked puzzled, still holding the camera in front of him.
"Eh, me??" I asked one more time to make sure he was really talking to me.
"Yes. You, who else is in front of me?" he laughed a little, revealing his white teeth, his eyes were drown in his smile. He had short brown hair that fell just below his ears and cute dimples on both of his cheeks. He's kinda attractive. Like, really attractive.
I sat in silence, still couldn't believe what was happening. I could hear Yamada was slowly walking towards me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me again, now looking more concerned.
"Ah, yes! I'm okay..,"I lied, wearing a fake smile that mixed with confusion.
He quickly turned to his camera and began taking pictures of the rabbit. That was when he noticed something odd about the pictures he had just taken.

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