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"Michii.." Yamada spoke softly that it almost sounded like a whisper.
I let go of him and looked up at him with still tears on my cheeks. He reached out and wiped my tears away.
"Just a little more. You'll find him. Don't give up yet." He said, looking at me with such warmness in his eyes.
"What do you mean?"
Yamada didn't directly answer my question and instead turned to look at someone behind me.
No, not just one person. There was another person standing there with a confused expression drawn all over his face.
"Kei?!!" I screamed as I saw the figure in front of me. A person of which I admired so much as a fellow writer and a friend. Of all people, he was the one standing there, and it just added to all the confusion that I had all these time. Was he? The murderer?
"Michii is here." Ken patted Kei's back and woke him up from his thought.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Kei turned around to face Ken.
Then Ken went step ahead to show Kei where I was standing.
Kei slowly realised then Ken was indeed serious about what he's on about.
"Alright..I guess, I should let you know now. The truth." Kei stared right at me, though obviously he couldn't see me, but it was as if he was staring at me and ready for a big confession he was about to make.
"Actually, Michii.. I.. I know who was the murderer." Kei's voice echoed through my head and I was stunned at my place. 

"I'm so sorry I had to pretend like I know nothing.. But actually I know everything. From the start. " He trailed off and cleared his throat. He stared at the ground, as if asking forgiveness for the wrongdoing that he had done. 

"Your brother.." He lifted up his head and looked straight at me with a guilty expression. 

How was this even a reality? Was I dreaming or some sort? I felt an instant pain pierced my head and I turned around to seek for Yamada's arms. As I did so, I could feel my tears started to form and blended in with such darkness of our surrounding. 

"I'm sorry, I couldn't prevent him from doing so.. I  was threatened. I.. am sorry, Michii. 

"I can't believe it!" I shouted at the top of my lung as the mourn that I kept inside spilled out from its place.

Ken passed me a new edition of newspaper, written as two days ago. My picture was on its first page, wearing a smile that everyone recognized, and beside it, a picture of a man that I knew. I knew him too well even after so many years left me in question as to where he was all these time.

My mind could barely work at this moment, and it felt like forever as I wait for another word that he had to say. And then all those events stormed my head. The dream I had, the man that I never saw after so many years yet I still remember his presence. I still remember how father chase him away out of our own home. And since then he had never been found. My big brother.   

I couldn't hear his words anymore.. His previous word still resounding itself in my head.. 

Your brother.. Your brother..

Yamada held me tight in his arms as I cried and spilled all the emotions that I had now. I could hear Kei and Ken started walking away and the sound of their footstep faded into the distance. I didn't know how long I wanted to stay here, but all I knew was, I want to be in his arms. I never wanted to lose him.. Even now as everything had come to its conclusion, as I've discovered the truth, I didn't want to hear Yamada said any word. Was he going to ask me to leave him then?

"I'm sorry to hear that..Michii." He reached for my hair and caressed it gently. I tightened my hold on him, as if sensing his words coming. 

"Are you going to disappear now? You're gonna leave me here now?" I spoke in between my tears that didn't look like they were stopping. There was only silence as I heard the rustling of leaves falling from the trees, while we stood there and me holding on him like I was going to lose him in any second. 

"Why would I?" Yamada's soft voice sneaked between the noise of the wind and I could feel him slowly pulling himself away from me. 

As he was loose enough from my grip, he looked at me with such warmness in his eyes. He brought his hands to hold my face still. A face that was so messed up of all the crying and sadness. We were so close as I could feel his warm breath reverberated through my skin. 

"I wouldn't have to leave.. All thanks to Ken." And he kissed my lips gently, his hands embraced my hair and I could feel my heart racing on my chest. The birds chirping around us as if cheering us for a moment that felt so unreal and precious. 

I didn't care anymore. I let him savored what we had now as our embrace became one. His lips tasted just like candies and strawberry parfait, and I let them sail through mine, creating such fiery sensation that I had never felt before.

But what was that mean? 

What did Ken do?

I pulled away from him after what felt like eternity and look directly into his eyes. 

"What did Ken do?" 

He ran his fingers through my cheeks, as if not wanting to say another word, or more like it bothered him to say it. 

"Ken had been investigating this case and bringing in proofs to the police. He found  some witnesses along the way, so instead of taking your brother, he took one of the witnesses to meet you. That way, you did not meet the murderer, and you're free."

He reached me in his arms again, and I could feel his love penetrating through my body, and I want to hold him just as tight as if we could stay here forever.

All I knew at this moment was, he was with me, and that was all that matters. 


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