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I spent days gathering information and searching for Yamada together with Ken, totally forgetting my main reason to find the murderer. Nothing matters to me anymore except the hope that I could find Yamada again. Before it's too late.
Ken has told me everything. Everything that Yamada had been hiding from me. All of these days that I had been spending with him were days wasted that would eventually come to an end. Why hadn't he ever told me about anything?
We only have 70 days since we arrived in this earth in order to find the murderer. And if I really find the murderer, Yamada would have no choice but to receive his punishment for breaking the law of Neverends. He was not supposed to not let me return to earth in the first place. The same thing happened to Ken before.
Two years ago, he was killed by someone who turned out to be his best friend. With the help of Sakura, his servant from Neverends, he succeeded on finding the murderer. The police who had been investigating the incident arrested his best friend for his attempt to kill Ken. Yes, Ken was back to life. It's some kind of reincarnation. Until the time police found the culprit, his body was never found so it wasn't really strange. Still, it didn't make sense to me. Everything didn't make any sense to me. Sakura had sacrificed herself to help her master and never once told Ken about anything that was going on. The thought of losing Yamada killed me one more time. I had been losing sleep and slowly losing my mind ever since his departure.
"Want some coffee?" Ken called out for me from the kitchen counter,  breaking all my thoughts.
"Un..," I said while adjusting myself on my seat.
He noticed how broken I looked from my expression. He came with two cups of coffee and some biscuits. Then he sat next to me.
"Everything's gonna be fine. We will find him." He said, offering the cup of coffee for me.
"We only have so little time left."I said weakly.
"I know.. By the way, did he ever mention a place he has always wanted to be? We can probably find some clues then." Ken stared at the ceiling while sipping his coffee.
I suddenly remembered something Yamada had ever told me before. He told me that the only family he had left was his grandmother. She was in her 80's and she lived in Chiba prefecture. Yamada told me that his grandma was the one who raised him since his mother passed away. She truly meant so much for Yamada that probably Yamada went all the way to Chiba to find her.
"I think I know something." I said after thinking for some time and signalled Ken that we were going.

We had finally arrived in Chiba and started looking for the rough address that Yamada gave me about his grandmother's home.
It wasn't long until we found a place where we thought was where Yamada's grandmother resided. But to our surprise, there was nothing but an old and abandoned small house sitting near a small river. My mind was sure that it was the place even though I didn't have the complete address. Ken scanned through the place and called me out.
"My mind says this is the place." I said while following to where he was. Then from afar I saw a figure that I knew. Yamada.
I couldn't help but to run for him while shouting his name.
He finally stopped on his track and I ran a little faster until I got a hold of him.
"Why did you leave just like this?!"I yelled at him and tightened my grip on him.
He bent down and put a bouquet of flowers on top of what seemed like a grave. It was rather uncared of and its name on it was fading.
I let go of Yamada's hand and looked at the grave. His grandmother's grave. Tears were slowly falling on his face and he looked broken. I reached him on my arms and hugged him when I realised my tears were falling too. Neither of us said anything for what seemed like eternity. He finally stood up and let go of my embrace.
"Why have you come here?" he said gloomily while I followed him standing on my feet. I looked at him with such unsure feeling.
"I want us to go home." I said taking his hand in mine.
He looked up at me with the same dark expression drawn on his face.
"What do you mean?"
I could not find the answer for a moment as I felt he was going to disappear again.
"I want to return to Neverends. Yamada, you've never once told me about any of this. If only I knew, I'll never want to do it in the first place. Let alone sacrificing you to find the murderer." I trailed away trying to set up my emotions.
He looked at me straight in the eye and reached for my cheek. He smiled blankly.
"I want you to live." "I want you to find him so you can live again. You have a whole life in front of you." He said, pressing my cheek softly.
I felt my tears were going to fall again as I sensed sadness overflowing in my heart.
"I don't want it. I want to be with you. That's all I want." I went a few step ahead and hugged him tighter than I had ever been, feeling as if I could disappear together with him. I didn't know how to explain this feeling I was feeling. Since I saw him for the first time, I knew this feeling was there but I wasn't sure of what was going to come next. Then all the days that had been dragging us so far brought me into the realisation, that I love him.
Still I couldn't bring myself to say anything more. All I did was holding on him so tightly as if it would prevent him from disappearing.
The sun was setting so beautifully in front of us yet we didn't bother to look at it. Of all things, I just wanted to cherish this moment right now. When I had him in my arms and felt his warmth penetrating through my skin. When all things didn't matter anymore other than to be able to retrieve what I had once lost. Not my life, but a love that I had never experienced before.

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