Chapter 29

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Laura's POV

I wake up in Ross' arms.

He's so warm and smells AMAZING!!!!

I gently remove Ross' arms from my body an replace me with a big teddy bear he got me last Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas it's almost Christmas!!!

Today's Saturday. So Christmas is a week from now.

I go to the washroom and get ready for the day. I come out and see Ross is awake.

Me- morning, sleepy head!

Ross- hey!

Me- ross, it's 11:00am.

Ross- how did I sleep that late?

Me- no clue. But come on get up!

Ross- why??? *lazy voice*

Me- because we are going shopping for Christmas presents!!!

Ross- fine!

We get ready and then tell everyone we were leaving.

A/N sorry for the short chapter. Guys please read my other r5 fan fiction. It's called ' Cleo Monroe '


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