(Not an update) Me

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Hey guys so I got ungrounded and I got my tablet back so be expecting updates.

So I guess this is pretty much about me. Right now in my life I dont really have any body to talk to and so I Wanna talk to you guys.

So my nephew I told you guys about (well obviously since I said nephew) is a healthy beautiful boy. He was born August 7 2016. It's scary how fast the nine months went.

But he is the cutest baby I have ever seen and it was love at first sight. His name is Sage Ryan Earnest and he has changed my brother into a man I have never seen before. Like I say in my last chapter, its scary how somthing so small can be so precious, or more like Jordan quotes.

And any boys reading this it's your choice if you continue reading .

Okay well there's this guy's I like and we just started talking recently but my friend told him I liked him. And so we started talking and he asked me about if I really do like him and I said no. He's in my third period and I really can't stand the embarrassment of him knowing I like him so I lied.
But later on the next day he asked "so you don't like me right?" And I said. "No why?"

And these are his words I quote.

"OK I don't wanna lead you on." And I said okay. And me being stupid I wasnt 100% on what he meant so I looked it up and I got he basically doesn't want a romantic relationship with me so ( and trust me that hurt so god damn much) ya.

Then he says, "ok. But I can still talk. It's just I already have a thing with someone and I don't wanna hurt anyone." By all means guys this is what I wanted to say,

"Well to late you god damn asshole."

This is what I said,


Okay. Yea. I said freaking okay.

(You know this is so much easier that writing in a diary.)

But then I guess I ended up pissing him by guess who this "thing with someone" was. And so the girl I though it was "is like a sister" to him. And I guess he got offended.

Then I posted a pic of mine and my best friends chat on instagram and it's just me calling her wierd because she said "forget everything I've told you for the last 20 years "

And oh might freaking damn guys I did the worst thing In this dudes rule book.

I spelt you're wrong.


And so I deleted the comment cause that's embarrassing to have all my friends see him correct me like that.

But despite all the stupid stuff hes done I still like him.

A lot.

So people I need advice.

Am I stupid for still liking him?

And for anybody that took the time to read this god bless you🙏 and I love you to death and back.

I'm almost done with a new chapter so 😊!

Quote- " how do you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or seeing nothing and wishing you had."

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