Chapter 6 - Oops, He Did It Again

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A/N: Holy crap. What. The. Hell. YOU GUYS! 45 VOTES. *jaw hits floor* you are amazing. I know I’m not the best writer, I know my chapters are short, and I know my stories move to quickly and for me to get 40 votes on a single chapter? Guys, before I’ve joked about crying, but I’m seriously tearing up over here. Wow, just wow. Thank you so much. Guys, unfortunately, this means YET another raise in the vote bar *OMG, if you guys reach this, I may finally believe in miracles* ok, so new vote bar, is 50! 50!!! So, this is a little late of an upload just because I tried to make it longer as a thank you.

Chapter 6 - Oops, He Did It Again


I stormed out of the room.

Slamming the dining room door behind me, I stomped down the hall. Tears fell from my eyes, and I furiously wiped them away. I threw open the front door and was just outside when someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. It was probably Ben, could he just not take a hint?

Thinking this, I looked up, and was startled to see concerned green eyes. Aidan. “L, just wait.” He said calmly. I snorted, and pulled my arm from his grasp. “Lauren! At least let me drive you home!” He said, getting in my path making me pause.

I sighed. “Fine.” I said defeated, besides, I didn’t want to walk home, especially not in these heels! He led me to car, heading to my side to open my door. I growled at him, he could just stay over there, I didn’t want to talk to anybody right now.

He put his hands up in defeat. I opened the door and got in. I looked out the window as he drove. The closer I got to my home, the more my anger disapated. In it’s place came tiredness. I just wanted to go home, and curl up on my bed and go to sleep. Ben hadn’t even been here for a day and I was already so stressed I swear I could feel my hair turning grey!

“So, I take it Ben doesn’t know about the baby?” He asked. “I-I mean babies.” He said. Thinking what he said over, I realized I was still mad at him for insulting me and my children. “You don’t want to talk? We don’t have to talk. But, how am I supposed to know to keep my mouth shut about those babies if you don’t tell me?” He asked. I turned and glared at him. “No, he doesn’t know. So keep it to yourself, or you will regret it.” I said menacingly.

“So he doesn’t know!” Aidan said. “Wow, I’m just amazed you haven’t spilled the beans yet!” He said. I ignored him. When we finally pulled up to my house, I got out, slamming the door behind me. My mother opened the door before I got there. “Oh my, what happened dear?” She asked.

“Can we talk about it later? It’s 7, and I just want to spend some time with the boys before putting them to bed. I feel like I haven’t seen them in forever.” I said. “Sure, ok honey. The twins are in the living room in their carriers.” My mom grabbed her purse, shot me a sympathetic glance, said “When your ready to talk, I’m ready to listen.”, and walked out the door. I locked it behind her, watched through the window to make sure she got to her car then moved the drapes to cover the window.

Sighing, I walked into the living room. Putting on a smile I went over to my boys. I picked up a carrier in each hand and brought them upstairs. Setting the carriers down on my bed, I started getting out of my outfit.

I changed into my favourite fuzzy pajamas and put on my cow slippers. My cow slippers were warm, and perfect for early morning runs to the twins room. I walked over to my bed and sat down, leaning against my pillows. I turned the carriers around to face me.

“Did you have fun with grandma tonight? Yea? You did. didn’t you!” I said to the twins. They gurgled and made other sounds. “I didn’t have a good night. Your dad, well, he’s a piece of work.” I said to them. Talking to babies when they couldn’t understand was dumb, I know, but who else was I supposed to talk to?

I talked and played with the twins until 8, when it was time for them to go to bed. Picking up their carriers, I headed to their room directly across from mine. Setting Ty’s carrier on the ground, I picked Cam up and put him into his crib. I then did the same for Ty.

My mom kept telling me how lucky I was. How lucky I was that my boys didn’t cry a lot, in fact, she said they were almost too quiet. I guess she was right, it could be a lot worse. Before they were born, I read tons of baby books. Some babies, although they didn’t know why, cried more than others. Some parents had colicky babies, which meant the baby would cry for a long time without any reason.

I was lucky to have my boys. I would be luckier if I had a mate.


When my door bell rang the next day, I expected my mother. I got up from the floor in the living room where I had been playing with the twins and went to answer. I peeked through the blinds and sighed. It was Ben.

He was carrying a bouquet of long stem red roses, my favourite. “Go away!” I yelled through the door, knowing he could hear me. “Come on Lauren, let me in.” He said. “Why? Here to humiliate me some more? Go. Away.” I said.

“Please? Please Lauren just, just open the door!” He said. I whipped open the door. “Happy? Good, bye now.” I said, and went to shut the door again. Ben stuck his foot in the door jam. No matter how hard I pushed, I knew he wouldn’t move his foot. I sighed again, and stopped pushing.

“What Ben?” I asked defeated. “I wanted to make sure you were ok.” He told me. “Why?” I asked. “Because it’s my fault you’re hurting in the first place.” He told me. “Ain't that the truth.” I mumbled, looking at my feet. He took a hold of my chin, tilting it up with one finger.

He leaned close to me. Our breath mingled. Our lips were so close to touching, yet they seemed so far away. Finally, he let his lips touch mine. I
was desperate. I had been without his touch for so long, I was desperate for it now. We needed to be closer, skin to skin.

We had been making out for a while, when I registered a sound in the background. I paused, and Ben took the liberty of planting kisses down my neck, across my collarbone. He had me pressed against a wall, again. My arms were held above my head, he had them pinned with one of his hands. The noise got louder, what the hell was it?

The twins! I was a terrible mother! I pushed Ben away from me. He finally noticed the sound. “Wow, deaf much?” He asked jokingly. “Huh?” I replied smartly. “Your TV, why is it turned up so loud. Give me a second I’ll go turn it off.” He said, heading towards the living room.

“No! You-you need to leave.” I told him, I pointed towards the door which was left open during our make out session. “Lauren, don’t be like that. We were finally getting somewhere!” He protested. I snorted. “By furiously making out? No. I shouldn’t have let you do that. Get. Out.” I said firmly. I needed to go to my boys, who were still crying. Dang it! Why wouldn’t he leave?

“Fine, but I’ll be back.” He said, and left. I locked the door behind him, and ran into the living room, picking both the twins up. “Shh, shh. Mommy’s sorry, I’m here now, shh, shh, its all going to be ok.” I told them, while soothingly rocking them back and forth.


Well, that's it. Thank you so much for the AMAZING response I’ve been getting. Remember; vote bar is 50. (yikes! ;p). This was a pretty long chapter eh?This chapter is dedicated to an amazing author, and a big Secret Circle fan (like me!). She’s great, and very nice! This is dedicated to katnisslerman16! If you’re reading this, I’m so happy I stumbled upon your story *called My Arrogant, Over Protective Mate*, and met you. :)
Fannitos, the vote button is ready for a workout. Work it readers!

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*cute eh?*

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