Chapter 17 - Our Family Tree

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Chapter 17 - Our Family Tree


My mother jumped in front of her mom before I could really do any damage. Aunt Lila ran around to grab both of my arms. Aunt Lila then dragged me away. I struggled.

"LET.ME.GO." I struggle but it's useless. Aunt Lila is incredibly strong.

"Stop it. Don't make me hurt you. Come on. I'll give you a tour of the house while you calm down. Promise you won't run back there again?" She asks. Resigned, I sigh and nod my agreement. She took me back down the long hallway, into the main entrance.

"Ok, so you know to the left is where the guest wing is. If we go forward, you will find the kitchen, dining room, sunroom, a living room and one family room. One of the back doors there leads to the deck out back where the pool is. To the right, we have the ballroom at the end, the theatre and the arcade room."   I am shocked. Wow, but she hadn't even described the upstairs yet!

"How are you able to afford this place?" I ask.

"Well, this property has been in our family for generations. The house before this was just as grand, but it needed a lot of updating. When it was demolished, our Alpha offered to pay for much of the house if he could use it when he wanted. Pack meetings, visiting werewolves, parties, stuff like that." She explained.

"Does he not have his own property?" Our pack house was owned by our Alpha.

"He does, but so many families have small cabins and the like on his land, again, these homes were owned by their families. To demolish all these homes and build a house like ours would take so much uprooting.. it's just not worth it." Aunt Lila told me. I mumbled a reply. Portraits and paintings lined the walls. Aunt Lila must have noticed my peroozing.

"Originals. All of them." Aunt Lila said, as if it was nothing.

"Wow! Do you know how it came into your family?" I asked.

"My family? Are you not apart of this family?" She asks, smirking.

"Not as long as that creature I'm supposed to call a grandmother is apart of it." I reply. Aunt Lila laughs.

"You get used to Neena. You can't forget she was raised this way. It was different for her, she grew up the pampered princess, taught to look down on those less fortunate than her." Aunt Lila tells me.

"What happened to you and my mother then?" I asked.

"We grew up in a time of war. You couldn't be a pampered princess in the middle of a war. You had to be a fighter." Aunt Lila says.

"They made children fight?!" I demand.

"Oh no no! But we had to train, we had to know how to defend ourselves in case the time ever came. We had to grow up, and fast. You learned not to form bonds, because the moment your new friend stepped out the door, they could be shot, attacked, kidnapped, or murdered. These were harsh times, and your mother and I saw everything that went on. Your mother and I... we saw all of it. We saw how our mother would sit back and watch those 'beneath' her head out to fight, to risk their lives so she could sit back and watch. It wasn't fair, Neena treated them so badly and yet they would still risk their lives for her and those like her." Aunt Lila said sadly. I didn't reply. We kept walking down the hallway,not saying anything.

"Well, are you calm enough to go back?" She asked. I just nodded. Aunt Lila led me back to my room. 

"Thanks for showing me around." I said.

"Your welcome. I'm glad to finally know how everything turned out for my twin. Glad to finally meet the rest of my family." She said, barely concealed tears shining in her eyes.

"It's been nice to meet you too." I replied. I gently shut my door, and lean my back against it. 

Sitting down on my bed, it sways slightly. My thoughts turn to Ben. Does he know yet? What could he possibly be thinking?


"I WANT HER FOUND NOW." I yelled, slamming hand down on the desk in front of me so hard a crack had begun to form. 

"We're trying our best but it seems the luna has-"

"I dont want to hear it! Find her! Call other packs, put up flyers, I don't care, FIND HER." I yell. They scatter, off to look for my mate.

How dare she! Running away from me, taking away the twins. What had I done to deserve this? I was just following pack law. Just trying to do the best in a world that was crumbling around me. My father had passed, and I was jus

t trying to keep going. For my mom. My new pack. My mate. Look where it got me. Upset, alone, and so stressed I was ready to hand over the alpha position. Just then, the phone began to ring. 

"What?" I snap, answering the phone.

"Now young man, your little mate may be causing you problems, but that does not mean I am not your grandmother anymore."Go

"Sorry grandma, sressing out over here."

"I know, I know, but I have some news that might cheer you up!" 

"What is it?" I ask, rubbing my forehead. I couldn't take anymore, I was ready to just, to just..

"We have decided that you are right. Baring your children is the ultimate commitment. Go to her my boy, tell her the truth, and bring our luna home."

"Are you serious?!" I had totally forgotten about my meeting with the elders because I had been so focused on finding Lauren.

"Obviously." My grandma snorts.

"Gotta go, love you, bye!" I say, throwing the phone towards its cradle. It didnt quite make it. I just barely caught my grandmothers last words- thankyou werewolf hearing-

"Get her before that other son-of-a-b**** does."


Merry Christmas! 

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