Chapter 8 - The Nursery

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Hi guys! So... obviously the votes didn't reach 50 last chapter... but that's ok! I get it, I hadn't updated in a while, again, sorry. IF YOU ARE APART OF MY QUICK RESPONSE TEAM, PM ME, I NEED YOU. Um, other than that, I just have to say... 

Lets get to it! *Do I write too much up here?* Awks, sorry. Anyway, vote bar = 50. 

Chapter 8 - The Nursery



I held the phone against my ear. I listened as it rang, and rang until finally the answering machine picked up. This was the 15th call I had made to Lauren's house, I had to be sure she wasn't home. Finally deciding she wasn't  home I ran to the truck I had borrowed from a pack member. I checked the back to make sure I had everything I needed. 

I hopped into the truck and headed to Lauren's house. Normally, I wouldn't stress over what I was about to do. I did these kind of things to lots of women. Well, not lots, but some. But, I mean, it was Lauren. What if it back fired? It never had with other girls, but again, this was Lauren. 

I pulled up in front of Lauren's neighbors house, no need to raise suspicions. I grabbed the paint cans and the tarps and ran inside the house. I had bought paint that would, according to the salesman, dry in less than an hour. I opened the gate and headed into the backyard. 

I picked the lock on Lauren's back door and headed inside. Shutting the door behind me, I found my way to the stairs. I went up and into the twins room. Setting the cans and tarps down I moved the cribs in to, what looked to be, an office.

I quickly moved the other crib, dresser, change table and all the twins clothing from the closet into the office as well. Thank god for werewolf strength. I headed back into the room and laid out the tarps so they completely covered the floor. Crap, the rollers! I ran back down the stairs and outside to my truck. I grabbed the rollers and headed back inside.

I looked around the room. The walls were painted a soft green. There was one thin and one thick white line that went all the way around the room. On each side of the room, I had moved big, dark brown cribs. Each of the cribs had light blue bedding with elephants on them. There were also two rugs in light blue that had also had elephants on them, below each crib to protect the hardwood floors. I had moved in two white dressers for clothing, but both also had change tables on top.

I had pre-ordered the furniture and bedding and my dad had delivered it 5 minutes after the final coat of paint had been done. I had my dad take the other furniture and take it to a donation centre. I left the room and went and brought the clothing from the closet and brought it back in. 

I had opened a window to let the smell out, and set up a bunch of fans to try and get the smell out. Grabbing the empty paint cans, tarps, and rollers I headed out to my truck. I locked the back door on the way out.

I had decided to let Lauren notice what I had done in her own time. No sense rushing the inevitable, right?


I had gone shopping with the twins. Who knew shopping could take almost 4 hours? It didn't help my mom had come with us and decided we just had to look in every single children's store we saw. We then had to stop because my mom found someone she knew, and they talked for a good half and hour. My mom was like a peacock. She may not be proud that I got pregnant so young, but she was proud of my accomplishment and, of course the twins too.

She would sit, and, well, brag about how well I was doing being a single mother, how I had graduated from high school and had a job. Oh and the twins! Who could forget the twins! So smart for their young age, and cute as a button too! It was what women did when they got older, discuss each others children and grandchildren.

I pulled up to the house. Dang, I was tired. I just wanted to go inside, put the twins down for their afternoon nap, and have a nap myself. I got the twins out of their car seat. (Almost impossible if you must know.) I set them on the porch in their carriers and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, I picked up the carriers and went inside. I took them up to their room.

I opened the door and headed inside-. Oh. Sweet. Jesus. Who had done this? The window was open, fans blowing (most likely to get rid of the smell) and the nursery... the nursery was amazing. It was nice, perfect for the boys. It had everything I would need. Laying the twins down in their cribs I looked around. There was only one person who would do this. Someone looking to get in my good books again.

Kissing both my boys on the head, I went outside and got the grocery's and clothes I had bought for the twins at the mall. I brought them inside and set them on the table. I picked up the phone, and dialed.

He showed up in less than 10 minutes. He trough open the door and ran inside. He ran into the kitchen, his eyes crazed. "Lauren? Lauren! Lauren, whats wrong? Why did you call me? Are you hurt?" He ran up to me, running his hands down my body.

I, of course, got carried away. His hands were like magic. Once he was satisfied I was ok, he reached down and cupped my face. "What happened?" He asked. I couldn't take it anymore. He was so close, but he needed to be closer. I leaned in, and kissed him. Ben. I moaned, and pushed his jacket of his shoulders. I finally came up for air.

 He however, continued to kiss down my neck, across my collarbone. "H-how did you know?" I tried to demand. "I know. I know you would finally take me back." He said, coming back up to kiss my lips. "N-noo, how did you know about them?" I asked. 

"No one else matters right now, just me, and you." He said, staring into my eyes. He grabbed my hips, lifted me up, kissing me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Kissing him back eagerly, I forgot all about my questions, and could only focus on him.

He carried me over to the couch, laying me down he got on the couch as well. I felt his hand, creeping up under my shirt. I let it, I was going to let him do whatever, he, wanted.


I woke up naked. Rolling over, I saw Ben laying beside me, in only his boxers. No! No, I couldn't have! At that moment, he reached over, curling an arm around my waist. I gently lifted his arm off me, and quietly got out of bed. If he woke up, I would have to deal with him. And I just couldn't right now. I got a shirt and headed downstairs. It was all coming back to me. The couch, then the bed. I glanced at the clock.

It was almost four, the twins would wake up soon. And, the twins! Oh crap! No, Ben already knew about them. I had a lot of explaining to do. Sighing, I pushed a hand through my hair. I couldn't believe I had let him do this to me, again. I let him, let him past my guard, and he took over, became my entire world. No, not my entire world, I had the twins, and they HAD to be my number one priority. I couldn't let him keep coming back and doing this.

 My cell phone beeped from the counter. I ran over and flipped it open before it could wake anyone up. I had a text. 'Did you like the room? ~ Aidan'. No, no! I thought-.... I thought Ben had did it. That's why I called him over here. It was obvious now that Ben didn't know about the twins, hadn't decorated the nursery... and I had slept with him. What had I done. 

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I heard one of the boys scream. I ran up the stairs like a mad woman, hoping to quiet the twins down, and shoo Ben out of my house. I opened their door and picked Tyler up.  I rocked him back and forth, but he wouldn't stop crying. Just then, the door opened. And in the doorway, stood Ben.


:O awwwwwks! You guys must HATE ME. Aha! Maybe, if I get 50 votes this time (or lots of votes quickly) I'll upload early! YAY.

Remember; what is a F.O.O.D. please, no cheating. Pic to side of the nursery. TRAILER TO SIDE. 

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