Chapter 16 - Meet Grandma!... Or Neena?

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Chapter 16 - Meet Grandma!... Or Neena?


Aunt Lila lead us into the house, it was impeccably decorated. I would say it was professionally done, and not just one room. The entire home. I guess I came from money! There was a long, winding staircase made of a rich mahogony coloured wood. To the left there were two corridors, and another two to the right of the staircase. The house was very modern, accept for a touch here and there of older aspects. The floors were all wood, but a lighter colour than the staircase. Aunt Lila and mother dropped the bags in the foyer, and I held onto the twins.

"Whew. Ok, so to the left we have the guest corridor, thats where you'll be staying. There are two master bedrooms with 5 piece on-suites, and 3 other bedrooms. There is also a powder room at the very front on the left." Aunt Lila told us.

"Come with me, I'll take you to your rooms." She said. Mother and her picked up the bags and off we went. Aunt Lila pointed me to a room.

"That will be yours. The door to the left has the two cribs in it, along with all other necessitys. Cindy, your room is down here. They took off down the corridor again, leaving my luggage with me. I nudged the twins' door open to see inside.

Holy. The nursery was painted a navy blue. The cribs had a reddish-brown wood frame, but the sheets inside matched the room, they were white and blue stripes. In the room there was also two change tables, two play pens and.. a flat screen? What the heck? Neatly stacked beneath the TV were tons and tons of kids movies and shows. This is so sweet! 

I changed the twins diapers and put them down for a nap. They fussed a litte bit, but fell asleep rather quickly. I gathered their things and brought them into their room. I left them there to be unpacked later, I didn't feel up to it right now. I drag my luggage into my room and - 

Magnificent. The room was painted brown, but the bed had a bedspread comprised of sky blue's and bright greens in a swirling, funky pattern. There were 2 large bureau's, another flat screen, two adjoining  doors and a window seat. I opened one of the adjoining doors and happened upon the biggest walk in closet I had ever seen. I honestly could not wait to put all of my clothes in there.

Shutting the door, I moved on to what must be the ensuit Aunt Lila described. There were double sinks, a toilet, tub and shower. The tub was a deep jacuzzi tub with so many jets, I wanted to jump in right now! The tiles were a beige colour... AND they were heated! The walls were also painted a beige colour. Going back into my room, I flop onto my bed and... FLOP.

I roll right of the bed. THE BED MOVED. Getting up I push the bed with my toe. It swings. Oh my god. This place is amazing. I don't ever want to leave, I don't need to meet my new family, I'll just stay in here for the duration of my trip. 

"Lila, is that you deary?" Called a sing song voice in the hall. Theres a tap at the door and a young woman walks in. No, not a young woman. An older woman.... my... grandmother?

"Oh! Don't mind me you just keep on working... you are working, aren't you?" She asks, agitated. I don't say anything, I'm too shocked. She looks so... young. But there was no denying the resemblence between her, mother, and Aunt Lila.

"You weren't working? Do you know how easily I could fire you? I could snap my fingers and you could be thrown out, just like that. Speaking of work, wheres your uniform? My daughter shall be here soon, I want everything to be perfect." She said. I still sat dumbstruck. She snapped her fingers.

"Chop, chop." She says snottily. She turns and leaves. Some people would think; Wow, my grandma has maids? But I think: Wow, my grandma is a bi***! I hear her voice down the hallway as she calls for Aunt Lila.

"Lila deary. Where are you?" She calls.

"Over here mother, I was just getting re-aquainted with Cindy." She says.

"Cindy? The daughter that disgraced our family by-" She began, but Aunt Lila cut her off.

"Mother, you promised." Aunt Lila reprimanded.

"Don't you use that tone with me." My grandmother said, irritated.

"Hello mother." That was my mom. Grandmother didn't say anything.

"Have you met Lauren yet?" My mother asks politely.

"Have I met that lovely child of yours?" Grandmother asked sarcastically. Mom didn't reply.

"No. Sadly, I have not." She said, sarcastic again. I decide now's as good a time as any.

"Yes, you have." I say from my spot down the hallway. Three identical heads swivel in my direction.

"Figures you would be just as disheveld and dirty looking as my pitiful daughter." She says, giving my appearance a once over.

"Dirty and disheveled? Yes, I suppose I do look that way. I guess all my time has been spent on your great-grandchildren." I say, nonchalantly.

"Great-grandchildren?" She scoffs. 

"Yes. Twin boys to be exact." Fills in Aunt Lily. Grandmother twists to look at my mother.

"First you disgrace me, and now my own granddaughter does! You, are an unfit mother." She declares, pointing her long, manicured fingernail at my mother. She spun at me.

"You! You and your children, are all bastards!" She cries. And thats when I lunged.


I know this is short and not great and you want more, but this will have to tide you guys over until August, so sorry! :( 

My Life As A Pregnant Teenage Werewolf  *On Hold During July*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon