Chapter 12 - Mother In-laws....

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Hey guys! Up late tonight and I figured I'd upload... ENJOY :)

Chapter 12 - Mother In-laws...


Mrs.Jackson took the 'crazy in-law' to another level today. I mean, how did she know? Can she read minds? Could she just... tell? I don't know how she figured it out.. but I don't think I really want to know. I was currently in my car, heading to the pack house. Mrs. Jackson was in the car ahead of mine and I was following her there. I really had no choice in the matter. 

When we finally pulled into the driveway. I wanted to peel right back down it and the street, away from this mess. However, I needed to go in and tell him. Mrs. J seemed pissed, and I didn't doubt she would tell Ben herself.

At least this way, Ben would get to hear my story. I opened my car door and got out. As I was stewing in my car Mrs. Jackson had gotten out of her car and currently held the front door open for me. I walked up the porch steps. I entered the house and Mrs. J followed closely behind me.

"EVERYBODY. OUT OF THIS HOUSE. I DON'T CARE WHERE YOU GO, BUT GO, NOW. YOU WILL BE WELCOME BACK IN A HALF AN HOUR." She called into the house. Footsteps were heard and people came barelling down the stairs. They looked ready to protest... until they saw Mrs. Jackson. At least 15 people appeared and filed out the door in a line.

"What's going on here?!" Ben demanded. He was carrying both of our boys. My wolf howled in excitement. He would be a good dad, once he knew he was a dad.

"Lauren has something she needs to tell you." Mrs. J stated and shot me a look. She walked towards the still open door.

"I'm coming back, so you better tell him. You have a half an hour." She hissed into my ear walking out the door and slamming it behind her. Yikes. She was upset. Was she normally this bi- I mean grouchy? I shouldn't bad mouth her, she is my mates mother after all.

"What do you have to tell me?" Ben asked confused. I held my arms out for my sons. He handed me Tyler, but kept Cameron. 

"Well, congrats would be a start." I said sarcastically.

"Congrats?" He asked confused. 

"Congrats... daddy." I said solemnly. He stared at me. It looked as if he was staring through me. His eyes zoomed in on Tyler in my arms. He sharply glanced down at Cameron in his arms. 

"A... dad?" He stammered. I nodded.

"Tyler Jackson and Cameron Jackson." I told him matter-a-factly. His eyes gazed at the boys in awe for a minute. Then they clouded over with anger. Then they turned the pitch black colour, his wol was out.

"Ben, please calm down. Your scaring me." I pleaded with him.

"You didn't even think to let me know?" He exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't going to keep it form you but you.. left." I struggled to tell him, the oppressive weight of his anger pressing on me.

"You should have tried harder! I wouldn't have had to leave! The elders would have accepted this instead of making me leave!" He told me.

"Hold up! YOU WALKED OUT ON ME. I had no idea if oyu were ever going to come back, why you had ditched me, or what I was going to do but-. Wait. Elders? The ELDERS MADE YOU LEAVE?" I demanded. My wolf called for their blood. Making my mate leave me in my pregnant state, it was all their fault. The fighting leading up to this moment, all of my heartache. They owed me.

"Lauren! Are you listening to me?" He demanded. 

"What?!" I groweled out. His eyes had turned back to their normal brilliant blue. 

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