Chapter 7 - My One and Only

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I am back and ready to write! Thank you so much for your patience readers. Also, thank you to to those who took the time to help me 'destress', this chapter goes out to you guys. Vote bar = 50 votes, same as last time! Woooo...... vote, comment, and fan, k? Or I'll find you.....


Chapter 7 - My One and Only

Well, as a mother of two there was a lot of cleaning to do! My mother had come over and taken the twins, and my house was a mess! After I made Ben leave yesterday, I had sta around with the twins, eating chocolate ice cream and chips all day. 

I couldn't believe him! I wish he didn't have this effect on me! I couldn't let him walse in and out of my life like this, I-. NO! I had to stop obseesing. I had gotten little sleep last night (and the twins only woke up once!) and it was all his fault. No, this was enough. Now, I had to clean. 

I went to my docking station and clicked on my playlist on my iPod. I had one of the first generation, little silver ipods, perfect for me. My playlist was crazy. I love lots of different music, country, rap, pop, 80's, you name it, I probably liked it.

I started in the living room. Getting down on my knees, I looked beneath the couch. I found a soother that had fallen and never been found, a chip, and a shoe. How could I have not noticed a shoe was missing? I folded the blanket I had left on the couch earlier, and put it away. 

Laundry next. I went upstairs and grabebd my laundry bin, and the bin from the twins room. I dumped the twins bin into mine, and walked back into the nursery to put it away. I looked around the nursery, and sighed. I had never really done anything special, though I probably should have. The walls were painted a dull and outdated beige. The twins had matching brown cribs and (bad decision) white sheets.

I really wish I had the money to fix up my home. In a few years, I planned to move out in a few years when the twins were older. I wanted to move somewhere out in the country, where cameron and tyler would have a backyard and room to run around. Sighing, I headed back into the hallway to get started on the laundry.

Our house had 3 floors, upstairs ( 2 bedrooms, 1 office, and 1 bathroom), main floor (kitchen, dining room, and small sitting room), living floor (second bathroom, main living room, and mudroom). I started the laundry and headed back upstairs to clean my room and the twins room.

My room was easy, I fixed the comforter and headed to the twins room. What. A. Mess. Clothes strewn on the floor. Toys everywhere, closet door open with hangers and clothes sticking out. Wow, how it got this messy, I never knew. I pulled the sheets of the twins beds, and carried them down to the mudroom. I transferred the clothes from the washing machine into the dryer, and put the sheets into the washing machine.

Heading back up the stairs, I hung up the clothes (which were clean, but on the floor) and straightened the hangers in the closet, and decided to take a break. I poured myself a glass of water and started to cook some supper. My mom was supposed to bring the twins home at 5:00pm. I glanced at the clock, seeing it was almost 4:00pm I decided to try to finish cleaning before they got home.

I cleaned up the few stray toys throughout the house. I headed up to the bathroom and quickly cleaned out the toilet. I headed back down the stairs (yet again) and restarted the dryer, and walked throughout the house collecting all the garbage bags and taking them out to the trash. 

From downstairs I heard the doorbell ring. Jogging up the stairs and rushed to open the door. On my way past, I looked at the clock. Only 4:30, so it definitely wasn't my mom. One fact about my mom? She always came through on her promises. If she said she was going to be here at 5, she would be, or she would call and tell me she would be a little late. I looked out the window.

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