Chapter 15 - To Tell, To Tell No One

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Holy crap, no uploads since April 25th? Not right. I apologize. FORGIVE ME! Aha, sometimes I take brakes from wattpad, usually after I get really involved (commenting in clubs, joining groups).

Chapter 15 - To Tell, To Tell No One


"Lauren?" My mom called. I lifted my head from my pillow. Knowing my mom was here to pick up the twins made me feel better. As terrible as it was, I needed some time to just relax and.. think. Think about the... pregnancy, and what I was going to do.

Leaving my tear streaked pillow, I got up to greet my mother. She had a key to my house and had let herself in. She was halfway up the stairs when I came out of my room.

"Oh there you are Lauren. Are my grand babies ready?" She asked, smiling and seemingly over happy.

"Ok, whats up with you?" I asked accusingly. She raised an eyebrow.

"What? I can't be happy to see my family?" She said. I noticed the emphasis she put on family. Maybe she had relatives coming to town? My mom and I were never close to her side of the family, or my dad's. My father had passed away when I was very young, I coudn't even recall what he looked like really. In a werewolf community, not 'communicating' with your family meant that they were either dead, or exiled.

Most people find our missing family and my absentie dad sad, and of course I missed out on expeiriences with my real dad, but I had many father figures within our pack. Thats what being apart of a pack was all about, having people there for you. I think it was really hardest on my mother, never having a mate. Before I felt sympathy for her, now I just felt empathy. I was almost in her shoes exactly.

"Family? Do I finally get to meet some relatives?" I asked. She bit her lip.

"Mom, I thought they were all dead!" I exclaimed.

"Bite your tongue. I never said my family was dead!" She scolded me.

"Then where have they been? Why aren't they here? How come I've never met any of my family?" I felt stupid. I was 18 and had never really given my absent family a thought before!

"No, no, no! Come here honey." My mom tugged me over to the couch. She sat, and held my hand in both of hers.

"You know there are many packs in America." She began.

"Yes, of course." I said, frowning. I wasn't stupid, only mildly idiotic!

"I haven't always been apart of this pack." She told me. I gasped.

"Oh. My. God. MY MOTHER WAS EXILED. MINE. MY MOTHE-" I began but she cut me off.

"Oh hush up. I wasn't exiled. Your father and I were apart of two different packs. My pack had lived in Ohio for many, many years. This new pack came. They tried to take our land. This was a long time ago, and this territorial dispute caused a major rift between our packs. I was at a coffee shop with some friends, we weren't supposed to leave the rest of the pack, but I was young and foolish. We snuck out and of course, something went wrong. Teenagers from the other pack were there. A fight broke out. One of the males from your fathers pack had me pinned to the ground, I was almost dead, when someone knocked the man off me. It was your father. From that moment, we were inseparable." Her eyes got misty and she stopped talking.

"And?" I prodded.

"And we went to my Alpha. He said no. If I wanted to stay apart of the pack, I had to give up your father. His Alpha said the same for him. In the end, David, your father, decided it was best for both of us to just let each other be. We said our goodbyes and on that last night we made love underneath the stars. I found out later, that I was pregnant. When my family found out they were outraged. In their eyes I had disobeyed the Alpha. They told me to go, to save our family the embarrassment. I decided they were right. On the flip side, raising a child in the middle of a war is no way to go. So I left, I haven't seen your father since. When Ben's father let me join this pack, people assumed my mate was dead, believing mates would never otherwise split up. I let them believe. I'm so sorry Lauren, I should have told you but, I didn't want to give you hope he would come back. Because he isn't going to.." She finished sadly.

My Life As A Pregnant Teenage Werewolf  *On Hold During July*Where stories live. Discover now