Chapter 2

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After she said those six words I turned around and walked away. I didn't know how to react this, I was feeling so many emotions; anger, sadness, guilt...

I... I need to talk to Scott. I need to know what happened, if this werewolf who tried to kill me did this-

I dropped to the ground and started to sob.

This can't be happening.

This. can't. be. happening.

He didn't deserve this, if anything I deserve to die. I'm supposed to be dead anyway.

"Stiles?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see a person I was not expecting.


"Derek?" I walked over to him but he walked back.

"You're not real... you can't be. I saw your dead body. I-" I cut him off. "It's me Derek. I have a lot of explaining, okay? It's me."

He ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "And I thought you hated me sourwolf."

We broke the hug. "I never hated you, Stiles." I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I used too, but it's not like that anymore."

"Then why did you kick me out of the pack? Why did you say that I was worthless?" I questioned, trying to keep in the tears that were forming.

"We were trying to protect you, when you were in our pack you got hurt a lot." He responded.

"Didn't seem like that. Maybe you should've said that." I felt so dejected, I have to hear all of this and find out my dad is dead. "Just go away Derek."

"Sti-" I interrupted him. "I just found out my dad's dead okay?!" More tears were forming and I couldn't hold them in.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry..." He wrapped his arms around in an embrace. I cried into his chest. "Shh, it's okay." He rubbed my back comforting me.

After a few minutes of hugging there, I calmed myself down and wiped the tears away.

"Do you want to see the pack?" He asked me.

"Um, yeah." I replied and half-smiled.

Derek took out his phone from his pocket. "I'm gonna tell everyone to come to the loft now." He stated and I nodded.

"Well let's go to the loft."


Derek and I sat in the loft waiting for the pack to get here. "Derek..." I said. Derek glanced at me. "Yeah?"

"When I tell the pack what happened, please don't hate me, okay?" I confessed. He looked at me with a confused look. Telling them I'm a vetala is gonna be hard. But, first, let's not worry about that and convince them it's actually me!

"Um, why-" Derek started but was cut off with the loft door opening and the whole pack was there. They all look at me with wide eyes, everybody was feeling different emotions.

"Stiles?!" Isaac shouted.

"Its me, guys, I swear. I have a lot of explaining to do, okay?" Everyone still stood there with those wide eyes not even blinking. "Uh, remember me? Your sarcastic annoying friend?"

Still nothing.

"Its him, its Stiles." Derek finally spoke up.

"But-but-how-" Lydia tried to say.

"I know, it's weird. This is weird. I'll explain this all." Allison and Lydia ran over to me and gave me a ready tight hug. Isaac, Erica and Boyd join in but Scott still stood there. We broke the hug after and I went over to Scott. "Scott, hey..." Tears ran down Scott's cheeks and he hugged me.

"I thought I lost you forever..." Scott said and pulled me closer.

"You didn't lose me, you'll never lose me again. I'll make sure of it."

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