Chapter 7

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For Littleageplaywriter

After breakfast, I was about to leave when Derek came up to me. "You want to know who killed your father?"

"Hm... nah, why would I?" I replied sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes. "Well... his name is Lachlan Buchanan. (a/n: my friends fav actor lol). He is usually suspected for murders but there is no physical proof that he does it." He explained.

I opened this loft door. "Come with me."

"Where?" Derek asked.

"To see this son of a bitch."


Derek and I sat in my jeep before going into the prison. I looked down and closed my eyes. I tried to think something to say besides killing this bitch. 'Hi, You killed my dad, I might kill you sorry.' Nope, not a good idea. 'Oh hi there. You kind of killed my dad, the sheriff remember? Yeah well-'

"Stiles." Derek called me with his hand on my knee. I looked up at him, noticing that I was crying. "You okay?"

I wiped my tears. "I'm fine. I'm not a baby."

"I'm 100% sure you're not a baby. But, 110% that you aren't fine."

"Wow thanks." I responded sarcastically.

"You know that werewolves can tell if you are-"

I cut him off. "I get it." I said.

"Don't worry about it Stiles, I'll be with you the whole time." He answered sympathetically. I half-smiled and opened the car door.

"O-Ok..." I stuttered, taking a deep breath. "Let's go.


"Only one person at a time please." The police officer said. Derek and I shared glances.

"Could I just come with him please? It's important." Derek replied anxiously.

"One person." She repeated.

"It's okay Derek, I can do this on my own." I told Derek, he nodded his head.

I was brought to a room full of people talking through a telephone to prisoners through glass. Most people were crying, arguing, and some were happy.

There was a spot for me to talk with guy that the officer led me too. I sat down and waited for this Lachlan to show up.

Two police officers held a man with short hazel blonde hair and bright blue eyes, he was about my height and he looked like he was in his mid-20s. He sat down on a chair facing me, with the glass window separating us. He smirked and picked up the telephone, I picked up my telephone also.

"Who might you be?" Lachlan asked, he had an Australian accent.

"Stiles Stilinski. Sheriff Stilinski's son, remember him?" I replied, my voice filled with anger.

"Stiles Stilinski? Aren't you... dead?" He questioned.

"Not really." I said. "Anyways, you killed my father, you're going to pay for this."

"I'm so sorry Stiles." He smirked once again. "My friend Hunter, well, she's trying to bail me out, probably in a few weeks."

"That's great. I can finally kill you after you're out!" I was furious. I was trying so hard not to shift right in front of him.

"Love to see you try." He answered.

"Oh... you will."

IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG! im so mad at myself im gonna try to update next week. exams are coming up and im stressing out cuz i cant motivate myself to study. love you guys! please stay with me

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