Chapter 6

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"So, thats your mom's side of the family?" Derek asked, sipping his coffee awkwardly.

"Yup." I answered and sighed.

We stopped talking like a minute. "Um, Derek?" I said.

He glanced up at me. "Yeah?"

"H-How did m-my dad die?" I stuttered. I need to know... like I can't just forget how my dad died.

"Oh... there was murder investigation, they found the murderer, but he had a gun with him. You kind of know that led to..." He explained sorrowfully. I tear ran dow

n my eye, he wiped it for me.

"Whoever this son of a bitch is, I need to have a talk with him." I got up from my chair and ran out of cafe. I don't know why I did that I don't even know who the person is.

"Stiles! Wait up!" Derek called out. I stopped and turned around. "We are all here for you, I am here for you."

I ran over to him and hugged him. He hugged back tightly, running a hand through my hair. I sobbed into his chest.

"Thank you."


My pack went to the hotel they booked. I told them I'm staying Scott and the others tonight at the loft. They weren't happy about it, but they still let me. We are watching a movie together, I made them watch star wars the force awakens because I wasn't around to make them watch it.

Isaac, Scott, Derek and I are sitting on the huge couch. Lydia and Allison are sitting on the floor with a bunch of blankets and Erica and Boyd are cuddling on the sofa, apparently they are dating now.

"Aw! BB8 is so adorable!" Lydia squealed.

"I know right! And Poe is so hot!" Erica squealed back. Ugh, I swear to God...

"Seriously?" I groaned and folded my arms, Derek laughed.


I woke up feeling arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes to see me cuddling with Derek! He was asleep, my head was on his chest and we were hogging the whole couch. Scott and Isaac fell on the floor, obviously.

You know, this is pretty comfortable, and Derek is really warm. I'll just stay like this.

Well that's what I said before-

"OH MY GOSH LOOK HOW CUTE THEY LOOK TOGETHER!" Lydia shouted so loud it woke everyone up, even DEREK.

"What's going on?" Isaac asked in a tired voice. "How did we end up on the floor?"

Derek let go of me and I got off on him. "Um..." He started. "...Sorry..."

"What did I miss?" Boyd questioned.

"I'm just gonna, um, go..." I said awkwardly. "Everyone's probably wondering where I am..."

"Don't leave!" Erica blurted abruptly.

"Stay for breakfast at least, please..." Scott pleaded.

I thought for a second, my pack wanted me to come to the hotel, I think they won't



Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updating in awhile, school has been hard and I'm trying to keep my grades up. Please vote, comment and share! 

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