Weekend In The Hamptons Part 1:The Fight

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New chapter!Their weekend off at the Hamptons.Let's not waste anymore time.As always ,enjoy~

They arrive at the Hamptons an hour later.They park their cars and head inside the house."Welcome everyone and thank you for coming" Castle says and Beckett rolls her eyes."Why wouldn't we come it's the Hamptons for gods sake" Lanie says.

"Good point.Let me show you to your rooms and like I said to Esposito I only have two guest rooms so you and Lanie have to share a room" Castle says and grins at Esposito who is blushing and looking at the floor then continues "Your rooms are this way" he walks up the steps and show them their room and let them settle in first and say they'll meet up at the living room in ten minutes.


"Ok Castle ,do you want to be killed by Lanie?" Beckett ask."What do you mean?" Castle ask trying to act innocent."You know there's a least four guest rooms in this house not included Alexis's room and Martha's room" Beckett says while crossing her arms."I don't know what you're talking about" Castle says while crossing his arms.

"Then I guess you won't mind me going to their room and tell them there are more guest rooms","No!" Castle says while blocking the door."Don't you think it's time they stop playing around with each other.We all see they love each other they just need a little push".

"Isn't making them stay in the same room considered interference?" Beckett ask."No...I like to call 'helping the blind see'" Castle says."They're not blind Castle.They're just not ready yet" Beckett says.


"Wow...this room is nice" Esposito says as he walks into the room and closes the door."Yea ,it's really nice" Lanie says as she puts her luggage near a dresser and turns to face Esposito "You can sleep the couch","What do you mean sleep on the couch"Esposito says while crossing his arms."Well there's a couch right there and there's only one bed" Lanie explains.

"It's not like we've never slept on the same bed before and why are you suddenly making me sleep on the couch?" Esposito ask confused at Lanie's sudden change of heart.
"Well I know Castle has more than enough rooms for all of us so this is one of his interference.I am not gonna let him feel happy about himself and celebrate his victory because he got us to sleep in the same room.I want him to feel bad for making things 'worse'" Lanie says putting air quotes at the word worse.

"So...this is just for show and you're  actually fine with staying in the same room as I am?" Esposito ask still unsure."Of course I'm fine....It's not like we've never stayed in the same room together" Lanie says "But we gotta make it convincing or he'll fine out" Esposito nodes as they start to pretend they were arguing.


Ryan gets in the room and whistles."Wow..." he says."This room is amazing" Jenny says as Ryan place their bags near the dresser.

Ryan climbs on to the bed and he lies down."This bed is so soft..." he says as Jenny lies down beside him and they fall asleep but were waken up by the sound of Lanie shouting something.

They get out of the room and see Castle standing in front of Esposito and Lanie's room listening in on them then Ryan ask "What's goin' on here?".Castle looks at him and drags him to the door for him to listen.

On the other side of the door.

"You should have just have told me!" that is Esposito's voice."Why so we would argue like what we're doing now?!" and that's Lanie's voice."Well we're going to argue eventually might as well just tell me!" Esposito sounded really angry."I don't even know why I dated you.All you care about is yourself!" Lanie sounded sad.

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