Florida Vacation Part 3:Miss Rodriquez

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It's the second day,they just got to the school,but it's still early so they decided to hangout in the class for awhile."I won't be in the class with you today" Ryan told Castle."What?!Come on,Ryan.You know I can't do this by myself" he complained."Sorry bro,I guess you'll just have to.This school is too awesome not to explore" Esposito said."Wait,but didn't you explore yesterday?" Castle asked suspiciously."I did,but Ryan didn't" he explained as a cover.He frowned "Can't you stay a little while.Just the first class" he begged."Uh....no" he answered quickly."Just like that you're not my favourite anymore" he said.

"Wait,you were playing favourite with us?" Esposito asked almost angrily."Uh.." he pretended to look at his watch "Oh,would you look at the time.I have class" he runs off quickly before Esposito has a chance to glare at him.As everyone was busy laughing,Beckett pulled Esposito to the side and handed him the book."Bring this back to the library" she whispered."What,why me?" he protested."Because I have another plan to know if we were ever here" she answered."Then ask Lanie or Jenny to.I'm not going back there" he said.She gave him a look "Just do it" she said.He sighed and snatched the book from her hand "Fine" he said forcefully.

She smiled satisfied of herself then pat him on the shoulder and walk towards Lanie and Jenny.They walked to somewhere after she said something to them.Esposito holds the books his hands but nearly dropped it when he heard Ryan's voice."Where'd you get that?" he asked curiously."Don't,do that" he said angrily."Sorry...Seriously though,where did you get that from?" he asked again.He looked down at the books but he wasn't sure if Beckett wanted him to know,but thought better safe then sorry."Found it.And....it's a long story" he lied."What are you gonna do with it then?" he asked.

"The library.It's the school's yearbook,so it's the only obvious choice" he answered."Great,we'll go there first" Ryan said then walk towards the library before he could protest.He caught up to him "We can walk around first,if you want.The gym's nice" he tried."It's ok,you should get this over with so you won't forget later" he reasoned.He cursed himself for having such a reasonable friend,but just followed him,not to draw suspicion.


He stopped right in front of the library door.He was thinking about everything,how it got to this and why he didn't just let the feeling go.If he did,this wouldn't have happen,and he wouldn't be scared to go into the library."If you're done with that.Can we go inside now?" Ryan asked as he walked inside."Wait Ryan" he was too late,he already walked inside.He grunts then walked inside slowly,then he saw Ryan looking around."This looks like a college library" Ryan whispered."Yeah,can we leave now" he whispered back,looking around afraid that the librarian might come out of nowhere.

"What are you afraid of?It's a library,I'm sure the librarian is a sweet old lady" Ryan said trying to ease his friend's tension."No,you don't understand-" he was cut off by a voice."Hey,you're back" the librarian said.Esposito jumped then looked at her with a scared expression."Are you ok?" she asked softly.He nodded quickly,too quickly."Sorry,he's a little jumpy today.I'm not sure why though" Ryan interrupted.She smiled when she saw Ryan,she shook his hand."You must be his boyfriend" she said.Ryan's eyes widen,she was surprised they didn't fell off his head.

"His.....w-what?" he stuttered."Boyfriend.I'm sorry about yesterday,I didn't know" she apologized."Wait,what happened yesterday?" Ryan asked,though he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.She looked embarrassed "I flirted with him,I didn't know he was.....you know.I'm sorry" she said."I'm sorry but we have to go.Thanks for letting me borrow these" Esposito interrupted as he placed the books on the counter and pulled a very confused Ryan out with him."What was she talking about?" Ryan asked still confused."See why I didn't want you to go in there?" he said."Why on earth would she think that we're..." he motioned to both of them with a disgusted look.

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