High School Life Part 10:Maybe...

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Rick arrived early to school that morning. There were only a few students, lingering in the halls, yawning as a sign of just how early it still is. He didn't mind. He knows it's unusual, but the early morning has always fascinated him. Especially the lack of people that could wake up that early.

He slowly made his way through the halls, in no rush at all seeing there is still a few hours before the first bell. He changed into his gym clothes then filled his duffel bag with a water bottle a a small towel before making his way into the school gym, for an early workout.

But he didn't expect to see anyone already inside. Especially not a certain brunette. And certainly not beating the crap out of a punching bag.

"Kate?" he questioned.

She stopped and turned to look at him "Rick? What are you doing here?" she asked, just as confused as him.

"Um...I was planning to work out. What are you doing here so early?" he asked back.

"I just like the early workout. It's nothing new" she shrugged then walked up to him and glanced to his duffel bag "But this certainly is. So what brings you here today?" she asked, sitting on one of the bench presses where her water bottle and towel are placed then took a few gulps from her bottle while he answered.

"Mother had to leave extra early today. So she sent me earlier. I figured I should do something other than wonder around aimlessly waiting for everyone else to get here" he shrugged "But I thought I'd be alone" he admitted.

"Oh, do you want me to leave?" she asked.

"No" he winced when he realized how quickly he said it "I mean...first come first serve, right? I'll just get out of your hair.. Maybe some other time" he said, trying to walk away.

"Wait" she called making him stop and look to her "We could still workout. We'll just do our own sets and not bother each other" she suggested.

"Um.." he paused, nervously fixing the strap of his bag over his shoulder "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah. It'd be fun to have a gym partner" she said.

He smiled "Partner. I like it" he said.

She rolled her eyes "Well, we don't got all day" she said as she stood up and went to the treadmill.

He sets his bag aside and followed her. Unable to stop himself from getting on the treadmill beside her. Even as she started, he struggled to focus as he couldn't stop looking to her direction. After a few moments, she turned to face him.

"Yes, Rick?" she asked, casually jogging on the-slightly faster than average speed-treadmill, barely even breaking a sweat.

"Nothing. Just...you're kinda scaring me" he admitted suddenly as he started his slow jog.

She raised an eyebrow at him "How so?" she questioned.

"Well you were beating up an innocent punching bag when I got here" he reasoned.

She laughed, slightly out of breath suddenly "How do you know it was innocent?" she decided to ask.

"Did it do anything wrong?" he asked.

"Maybe" she answered playfully.

"That just tells me how horrible at lying you are" he stated simply, already panting quietly.

"Oh, you mean like how bad your stamina is?" she shot back with a wry smile.

"Ouch, Katherine Beckett...you meanie" he said, but still couldn't stop his own smile from spreading "At least I don't try to hide my geekiness..unlike a certain someone who thinks she's so good at hiding her books" he hinted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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