Chapter 1

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     Sunlight streamed through my window, waking me from my restless sleep. All night I hadn't slept for with my birthday nearing toady, the day I turn sixteen. Would be to claim my heritage and blood-right. Slipping out of bed, the cold sending shivers kissing my spine, I made my way over to the mirror. My tawny hair was mussed and tangled, the green of my eyes was darkened considerably.  Combing the tangles through with my fingers, only to have them get caught in the rat's nest, I gave an indignant huff, and instead threw it up in a messy bun.                                                                               

Downstairs in the kitchen, the smell of sizzling bacon caressed my nose. My mom was standing before the stove white apron on, which was stained yellow from the grease. The sound of the rustling of the newspaper came from my father in the living room while he sat on the couch reading the paper. Cayden my brother sat at the kitchen table, avoiding everyone's eye contact. I was surprised to see him even at the house. Ever since he shifted he had started to grow distant spending less and less time with us. Usually, he was either hanging around with a group of his friends, or he was with his girlfriend. Normally Cayden came home late at night, or never bothered to at all. 

"Happy birthday Cassie" Cayden Mumbled over his bowl of cereal as I sat across from him.  Scrunching up my nose at him. I watched him, his posture was tense, and strained. 

"Thanks," I said but it sounded more like a question than anything. My spirits lifted as 

  After breakfast I rinsed my plate off and put it in the sink then I headed back to my bedroom to retrieve my cell phone. I found my phone on my night stand next to my bed and quickly dialed my best friend Vivian. 

It rang a couple time's until I heard Vivian's shrill voice through the phone.

"Hey Cassie, whats up?"

"I was wondering what your doing today, maybe we could hang out?" I suggested to her sounding hopeful.

"Sorry I can't I have a cheerleading tryouts today. I promised Brittany that I would try out for her sake; they need more people on the squad." I sighed feeling a little disappointed  at being replaced by cheerleading tryouts.

"Okay then, I guess i will talk to you later."



With that she hung up leaving me staring at a blank screen on my phone. Just then a thought registered itself into my mind. Did she say she was trying out for cheerleading because of Brittany?. Brittany has bullied me since kindergarten she was always trying for a new way to embarrass me or something. Why would Vivian do anything for her?. 

I felt anger range inside of me. How could she hang out with her?. I was beyond mad i felt like i could explode. I looked down at my hands and noticed they were shaking really bad, Then i felt a rush of adrenaline rush through me. I felt my bones cracking but i couldn't feel the pain through the adrenaline.

The next thing i knew i was on the floor of my bedroom. I went to stand but something felt off, I looked down and noticed i had paws!, i was on four legs. I tried to scream out scared of what happened to me. But all that came out was a loud howl i quickly closed my mouth. Panic started to race through me. I walked over to my mirror that i had on the ground and i was astounded by what i found looking back at me.

I was a full grown wolf, my fur was pure white except for my paws were black and my chest had a black circle on it. I couldn't believe this is happening to me, i must be dreaming. I couldn't have transformed into a wolf. Their must be some explanation to this, maybe i'm being punked or something.  

I heard my door nob being turned, i didn't have no where to hide. I crouched as close to the floor as i could. My door flung open and i was startled to find my brother standing in the doorway.  I let out a small whimper of defeat. He snapped his head in my direction hearing me. His  blue eyes went wide for a moment then went back to normal.

"Outside, woods now" He ordered me pointing out the door.

I quickly got up and ran downstairs careful not to trip because i'm still getting the hang of running on all fours. I saw that the front door was open leaving me access to outside. I bolted out the door and into the woods. Once the house wasn't insight and the tree's were thick i stopped running. Surprisingly i wasn't even out of breath. 

Cassie? can you hear me? A voice that sounded like my brothers said in my thoughts. Why is he speaking in my thoughts?. But i had no other choice but to try to answer him back.

Yeah, what has happened to me Cayden i'm scared I replied mentally hoping it would work. Almost immediately after i said that in my mind a dark brown wolf emerged from the thick of the trees. I didn't know how to fight in this form but i could try my best if i had to fight this wolf. I pinned my ears against my head and snarled, daring the wolf to attack. 

Relax it's just me Cassie Caydens voice rang through my thoughts. Wait the brown wolf was my brother?. That's when i got a good look at the wolf, the wolves eyes were the same blue as my brothers. I relaxed slightly relived that it was my brother and not a random wolf that i would have had to fight.

Cassie listen, your a werewolf or shapeshifter. You can shape shift into a wolf we protect people against fallen angels. And our pack fights against rival packs to keep our territory. Now that youve changed you need to join our pack. I'm the alpha and my friend Dylan is the beta the rest of the pack are just omega's, as so will you. 

I couldn't believe that I'm a shapeshifter and my brother was a alpha of a pack, and that fallen angels were real. Put what really put me at odds was why did fallen angels pose a threat to humans?. 

Okay i will join your pack i thought to him. As soon as I said that like ten voices started speaking at once through my head. 

Come meet the pack Cayden said through my thoughts as I followed him through the woods to the rest of the pack.

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