Chapter 5

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I paced the floor inside my room. I watched the scene unfold outside as my brother talked, more like yelled at Ace. Tears started to swell in my eyes at the thought of never seeing him again. But i had to make the deal or Ace would have died. Ace looked up at my window for a split moment making eye contact. It made me want to throw myself at him and never let him go.

Ace shifted into his wolf form and took off into the forest. My brother then shifted into his wolf form and took off after Ace. When Ace was no longer in sight was when i finally broke down crying. It felt like their was a empty hole in my heart. Their was a longing to see him that couldn't be filled. I guess that's what happens when your mated to somebody.  

After i stopped crying, and a few minutes later Cayden came back. He had a satisfied look on his face, which meant that Ace was probably never coming back. 

"Dinner!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs. I silently walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where i sat at the table. I could feel the thick tension between me and Cayden. My mom placed a plate in front of me. The plate was full of spaghetti, but i wasn't hungry at all. 

"I have to tell you guy's something important" My mother said in a serous tone sliding into a chair beside me.

"What?" I said looking at her from the corner of my eye. I saw sadness in her eyes which made me even more uncomfortable.

"Me and your father have decided that it would be best if we got a Divorce" I felt as if i got plunged in ice cold water. Why would they get a Divorce? i thought they were happy. 

"Why do you want to Divorce?" I asked keeping my voice steady and quite. Trying not to  show any emotion at all. 

"Well i found out your father has been cheating on me. And that's why he isn't home as much as he usually is." My mother said her voice breaking a bit, i could tell she was trying hard not to cry. I could feel the tension in the room grow more increasingly as everything was quite. I couldn't take it anymore so i got up and walked outside.

I found my phone in my pocket and decided on a last minute decision, i called Vivian. It rang about three times before she picked up.

"Hello?" Vivian's sharp voice said through the phone.

"want to hang out?, i need to get out." I said into the phone hoping we could hang out.

"sure! i will be their in ten" She said before i heard a click and the phone went dead. 


"Their what!?" yelled Vivian in surprise and disbelief. We sat outside of a ice cream shop, i had just told her about my parents getting a divorce. 

"Yeah and theirs nothing i can do" I said splaying my hands on the table we were sitting at. The sun beat down making it hot outside. But the umbrella hooked on the table towered over us blocking us from most of the harsh sunlight and heat.

"Who are you going to live with?" she questioned me giving me a weird eye look. I sighed i hadn't even thought about who i was going to live with. 

"I don't know" I answered her truthfully. I wanted to stay with my mother but then again i wanted to also see my father. 

"So are you and Brittany friends now?" I asked her changing the subject. She chocked on the water she was drinking. 

"Me and that slut?, no way!" Vivian said throwing her hands in the air. I felt a little better knowing that she wasn't friends with her. Me and Brittany have been enemy's since second grade, when she spilled milk on me. 

"Are you going to the formal dance on next week?" Vivian asked me raising a questioning eyebrow. 

"I'm not sure i don't even have a date or a dress" I said nonchalantly, before I shoved a spoon full of my strawberry ice cream into my mouth. Not very healthy i know but i could care less right now, i had to much on my mind. 

"Snake alert!" Vivian hissed at me. I looked around and found Brittany exiting the ice cream parlor with some of her friends. I turned around hoping she would just walk away and not notice me. But of course that just wouldn't happen.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, cringing i turned around to see Brittany standing their. Her black hair flowed down her back, and her ice blue eyes challenging. Her face was caked with so much make up she looked like a clown. She wore high heels with short shorts and a tank top.  Over all she looked like a hooker.

"Can i help you" I asked looking up at Brittany. 

"Yes you can stop ruining my day by staying home so i don't have to see your ugly face." She spat at me earning a few laughs from her friends. I could feel anger burn inside me i suddenly got the urge to punch her in the face.

"Look who is talking you look like a hooker" Vivian spoke up defending me. 

"Uh! you disgust me the most Vivian i mean how could you let yourself get so fat?." Brittany said to Vivian. I looked at Vivian and saw her start to get up from her seat with a fist raised. I knew that if i didn't stop Vivian she would hit Brittany causing the situation even more worse. 

"Vivian don't" I said warningly at her. She looked at me with rage in her eyes before putting her fist down and sitting back down.

"Well bye losers" Brittany said walking away with her friends laughing behind her. I turned my attention to Vivian, it looked like she was ready to explode with rage. 

"I swear one day i will kill her and i will make it look like a bloody accident." Vivian said taking another swing at her water. I sighed same old Vivian i thought to myself.

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