Chapter 9

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Ceneres

After hours of trying to find a good place to stay. We finally found a nice size cave with a stream next to it. Inside the cave was actually not dark or gloomy it was nice and Airy with the sunlight streaming through the opening. I sat on the smooth hard ground of the cave. My back leaned against the wall of the cave. Ace sat next to me tipping his head back exposing his Adams apple. I let my thought wonder to what my brother and my parents might be thinking. Have they already noticed that i was gone?. I felt guilt start to build inside me for leaving them.

A sigh escaped through my lips, why did i have to run away?. I sit their with my back against the cave wall, contemplating on what to do. should i stay in the cave with Ace, or go back home for my brother and my parents.

"Are you okay" Ace questioned sitting up straight to look at me. I was startled at his questioned how could he know.

"Yeah I'm fine!, what made you think i was not okay?" I lied to him. I asked him the question because i wanted to know why he would think i was not okay.

"You just had that look on your face" He said before mimicking my face and making me laugh at his failure attempt. "No, but seriously whats up?" he added looking at me seriously.

"Well i was thinking about maybe going back." I said cringing under his gaze waiting for him to get mad at me. But to my surprise he slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." he stated leaning his head on my shoulder. I drew in a deep breath inhaling his scent. 

"So should we go back?" I asked him.

"You should, i'm going to stay and run" he said looking away from me. I felt my heart sinking at those words he spoke. 

"Why don't you come back with me?" I pressed him feeling a lump in my throat.

"Because it's not safe, if i come back you could be in danger" he explained. 

"Why would i be in danger?" I questioned him. He put his head down his black shaggy hair fell forward. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. 

"Because my father is looking for me and he would kill anybody that gets in his way." Ace reveled it made shivers go up my spine. Ace was not looking at me calculating my reaction.

"Why does he want you?" i murmured quietly afraid of the answer.

"He wants me to join his army side with him and the other fallen angels." He whispered i cringed at the thought of Ace siding with them.

"What Army?" I said raising my voice an octave.

"I can't tell you, its for your own safety" he replied with no emotion in his voice at all. That's when i knew I had to get back. I felt unsafe with Ace now. I got to my feet and stared down at him still on the cave floor.

"Right, I'm going then" I stated before turning and leaving him their to do his business with his father. For all i know that could have been a trap his father could have been their to kidnap me. I had a feeling that the Army is to fight against us werewolves. to kill as much humans as they can and roam the world free of worry.

I shifted into my wolf form and took off running towards home as fast as i could. I managed not to trip to much but their was a occasional stick or rock that i would stumble over. I had to take some breaks here and their to get some rest.  So by the time i made it to our part of the forest the sun was setting. Causing the sky to be a beautiful shade of orange, and pink.

Once i got closer to my house i shifted back to my human form. I was about to step out of the forest when i felt strong arms pull me back. I was about to scream but a hand clamped around my mouth so only scoffed sounds came out. I tried to kick at his stomach, but my back was to him so i couldn't have a good kick. My heart was beating so fast that i could here it in my ears. I struggled against his hold on me but it was no use he was just to strong for me. I considered shifting but if it was a human it would expose werewolves.

Suddenly something shot itself from the cover of the shadows. It happened all to quick, i was released from his hold as he got knocked down by the thing that came out of the shadows. I crawled a safe distance away. I couldn't walk my legs felt like jelly from the shock. When i looked up my heart stopped at the scene before me. A dark brown wolf was fighting the man. But the wolf and man were no ordinary  wolf and man. It was my brother and the man was a fallen angel.  The mans shirt was ripped exposing his upside down V scars on his back. 

I cringed as i watched the man pick up Cayden and throw him against the tree. Their was a sickening crack as a whimper came out of Cayden. I was going to shift to help him. But when i made eye contact his eyes pleaded me to stay out of this. I waited to shut my eyes so i wouldn't have to see anything more. But i just couldn't my eyes stayed open. The fallen angel walked gracefully over to Cayden, who was still in his wolf form. The fallen angel had dark brown hair, and cold black eyes that make me cringe under his gaze. 

I watched with dying agony as he bent down and snapped my brothers head. He let Cayden's head go. I watched as it hit the ground lifeless a pool of blood coming from the neck. I suddenly felt like screaming or crying I wanted to kill the fallen angel for killing my brother my only brother. With tears streaming down my face i lunged at the fallen angel. Only to be in his hold again.

"I told you, you were next" His steady cool voice whispered in my ear. That's when i remembered the text message from the unknown number that was him!. I was trying to get out of his hold once again. But i couldn't fight that good i mean my brother just died the only person i had left in this world that understood me. I felt the fallen angel press a towel to my face, and that's all i remembered before i blacked out.


Out Of The Dark  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें