Chapter 10

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I heard a noise in front of me. I slowly peeled apart my crusty eye lids, my vision was blurry for a second before they came into focus. Standing in front of me was the fallen angel, he had his back turned to me. He was writing something down on a piece of paper that was sitting on a rusty tool table. My mouth was like sand paper, making it hard to swallow i needed water badly. I was sitting against a wall my wrists tied behind my back, and my feet tied together. I looked around frantically to see if i had anyway of escape. I felt my hope go down the drain when i realized their was only one exit in the room. Plus their was no way of getting untied.

I slowly looked around my surroundings we were like in some sort of underground hide out. The walls were made of stone, as was the ceiling. Their was rusty weapons and tools of all kinds scattered about. Papers with drawings of maps and stuff was tapped to the walls. Their was only one rust tool table that was being occupied by the fallen angel. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling casting a gloomy haze through the room. 

"Can i get some water" i croaked out bravely to the fallen angel. I saw his back stiffen before turning to face me. His cold black eyes watching me intently, probably thinking about way's to kill me. I had the urge to squirm under his gaze but i wouldn't give him that satisfaction so i stayed still. 

"Yeah i guess so" He said before pausing a moment. "Don't try anything while i'm gone" He instructed sternly. I gulped and nodded my head at him. With one last glance at me he strolled out of the room closing the door behind him.

I quickly jumped into action, my eyes frantically searching for something to cut the ropes that bound me. My eyes swept across a rusty pocket knife that was just in my hands reach. I leaned towards it as much as i could. I stretched out my fingers, i felt them brush against it i quickly snatched into my hand. I ignored the pain as the blade cut into my palm this was going to be my only chance at getting out. My hands were shaking with anticipation half expecting the fallen angel to burst through the door. I took a few deep breaths to steady my hands, then i began cutting.

I cut the ropes that bound my wrist and once i was free i began working on my feet. The rope was thick so it was hard to cut through it with just a pocket knife. I felt the minutes tick by as fear began to replace my hope. The fallen angel could be back any minute and i was still trying to undo my feet.  Finally i cut through the rope releasing me from being bound up. I jumped to me feet, feeling slightly shaky before heading towards the door, my exit to freedom. 

But Before i could reach the handle the door flung open. My heart literally stopped beating as The fallen angel stood their in the door way with a glass of water and a banana. I made a split decision and shifted into my wolf form. I felt the familiar tingles spread through my body before i was standing on all four paws.

"I told you not to try anything!" The fallen angel spat at me before flinging himself at me. I quickly sidestepped and he fell onto the hard stone floor. The door was still open so i backed away from him my back towards the opening. 

"Stupid girl!" He roared at me before getting up and once again lounging for me. I stood my ground, i flattened my ears against my head snarling at him. When he attempted to grab for me i bit his hand causing him to with draw his hand and hiss in pain. But before i could begin to feel triumph in hurting him. I felt a hard slap to my cheek, causing me to fall down on my side hard. While i was in temporary shock, he took that time to grab a hold of me. I tried to struggle out of his grasp wanting to escape. The open door was like a big tease to me. 

I was soon thrown into a cage and locked up. I hadn't even realized their was a cage in here. I slumped down in the corner of the cage in defeat. 

"If you want to turn into a dog, then you will be treated like one." the fallen angel taunted at me, as he put a dish of water into my cage and a bowl of dog food. I growled and attempted to bit his hand as he but the bowls in the cage but he was to quick. I knew i couldn't change back into my human form because if i did i would get stuck in the cage for being to big. My mouth was still dry and the only water was in the bowl. 

With no other choice i walked over to the bowl and started lapping up the water in disgrace. My stomach rumbled with hunger pains. But i just couldn't bring myself to eat the dog food. I might be locked up like a dog but i would not eat dog food to give him the satisfaction. After i lapped up all the water. I went back to the corner of the cage and curled up into a ball and let me mind wander to everything.

My most worry was my parents and the pack. What would the pack do once they find out that my brother, their alpha was dead?. I guess Dylan would have to step up and become alpha but at that thought i felt shivers go through me. Something was off with Dylan and I needed to figure it out but i just had to get out of this darn cage and underground room. And what would become of my parents when they find out their only son was dead and their daughter was missing?. I mean my mom already had enough on her plate just by getting a divorce she dosn't need the extra anxiety and depression.

I will find a way out of this place if its the last thing i do. Because i had a feeling everybody would be in trouble with Dylan as alpha even my best friend Vivian.

A/N: So how did you guy's like this chapter? anyway please comment, vote, and follow! thank you for reading my Awesome readers! :D

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