Chapter 2

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I stood in the middle of the woods surrounded by a bunch of guy's, i had changed back into my human form and surprisingly my cloths were on my body when i shifted back to my human form. Cayden was standing on my right. I felt like i was so small compared to all these guy's. We were standing forming a circle for a meeting.

"This is Dylan my beta" Cayden said. A guy stepped out of the circle of guy's. He had blond hair swept to one side and brown eyes. He looked to be a month older then my brother. I waved my hand at him signalling i acknowledged his presence. Then guy after guy introduced  themself's. I tried to remember all their names but i couldn't their was just to many. Their was at least twenty guy's here, Not including my brother and Dylan.

After we got introduced, Cayden started explaining stuff about the pack and how to shift and what to avoid.  

"When we shift you have to think about yourself in wolf form. But their are risks like getting mad or upset can trigger the shift. Signs of shifting include: Shacking, tingly feelings, And most of all you can sometimes feel your wolf shifting inside of you to get out." Cayden said pausing for a moment looking at my and everyone around the group. I think he was making sure that we were understanding what he was saying.

"We are here to protect humans against the fallen angels, And we must also defend our territory. Right now our worst enemy pack is the dark divide pack. If we beat them then we can keep our territory. You must know the difference between a fallen angel and a human. Your wolf will sense the fallen angel. You will get a headache or a really bad feeling." Once again Cayden paused before continuing with a smile on his lips.

"Somewhere out their is your mate, you will know if your meant to be mates just by looking at their eyes that all you need to know. When the time comes you will know it's your mate."  Cayden finished looking at all of us. Then with a flick of his hand he signalled the end of the meeting. The guy's around the circle retreated. 

One guy stayed to the sidelines watching me. He wore jeans with holes in it, and a white t-shirt that hugged his well defined body. He had short clipped black hair, He stood their studying me with his hazel eyes. I vaguely remember him introducing himself as Jared Walker. He was also one of the many omega's in the pack. I felt a little uneasy under his gaze so i walked over to where Cayden stood a few feet away.    

"I'm going to take a run around the forest to clear my thoughts" I said coming to a halt infront of Cayden. He turned toward me a look of worry clearly written on his face.

"Be careful, If you get into any trouble howl and it will signal me and the others that your in trouble. And we will shift and come help you." Cayden said looking deeper into the forest.

"I promise i will be really careful" I said turning and walking away when cayden said nothing. I kept walking till i didn't see Cayden anymore. I pictured myself as a wolf, in my head wiling me to shift. A couple seconds later i felt a tingling sensation spread through my body from head to toe. The next thing i knew i was standing on four paws.

I shook my fur out feeling the awesome feeling of being in wolf form. Its like you could do anything, a fresh start. I started off running through the forest, my paws thundered beneath me feeling the soft moss and pine needles. My smelling was heightened in wolf form as was my sight. The sun blazed brightly above warming my back as i ran. 

I was having so much fun running that i hadn't noticed that their was a different smell to the place i was at. It smelled like Metallic with cinnamon, that's when i recognized the smell my brother had warned me about the dark divide packs scent. With a sinking feeling i realized i was on their territory. I turned to run back the way i came from to get off their territory when everything happened at once.

The wolf came out of nowhere it lunged at me knocking me off my paws. I was on my back, my belly exposed. The wolf towered over me snapping his jaws at me. The wolf was easily ten times my size, it was pure black except for a white little patch on its cheek. I couldn't howl for the pack to help me because it wasn't their territory. My only hope was to shift back to my human form, surly the he won't attack when i was human. 

When i had shifted back, the wolf got off me and shifted to his human form as well. He had blue jeans on, he was shirtless exposing his defined abs. His hair was midnight black, it fell just above his eyes. When his dark brown eyes met mine, it felt like time slowed and all i wanted to do was be with him. That's when i knew i had mated, but how could i be mates with him when he was in my pack's enemy's pack?.

"What are you doing here on our territory?" He asked gruffly his voice deep and dark. I couldn't seem to find the right words to say back.

"I, um, well you see i am new and i didn't realize this was another pack's territory" I replied stumbling over a few words. He steadied me for a moment probably calculazing what he should do with me. 

"Alright i will let this go as a warning, next time if i catch you in our territory i will show no mercy." He said, i couldn't help but look at his dark brown eyes. It was like he was hiding secrets. 

"My name is Cassie, whats yours?" I said trying to figure out his name. I mean who could blame me  he is my mate. He looked surprised by my outburst, but he quickly covered it with a look of  amusement. 

"You don;t give up do you Snowflake?, my name is Ace i am the beta for the dark divine pack. I am going to be alpha soon when my father steps down." Ace said smirking at me, i felt oddly annoyed by him calling me Snowflake. But i didn't let the annoyance show.

"Well i will be going now, see you around" I said before realizing that i said that i would see him again. I mentally face-palmed myself. 

"Bye Snowflake, i will see you soon enough" Ace said before shifting back to his wolf form and running off. I rolled my eyes where he retreated to, i shifted once again to my wolf form before heading back towards home.

Out Of The Dark  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora