Chapter 7

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My brother came into my room with his arms crossed and a disapproving scowl on his face. Before i could ask what was wrong, he began talking.

"I heard all about your little trip to see Ace" I cringed at what he said, i mean how could he have known?. 

"H-h-how?" I stuttered in surprise.

"It's not often that a somebody rejects their mate, the news spread like wildfire." He said showing a hint of pity in his eyes. I turned away from my brother not wanting pity from him. 

"Why didn't you tell me he was your mate Cassie?." My brother asked me keeping his voice low enough or only me to hear, because of my mother that was downstairs.  

"I don't know i didn't want you to get mad" I said unable to keep my voice steady as tears started to stream down my face. I sat crossed legged on my bed with my back towards Cayden. I felt the spot next to me dip  in. I was soon pulled into a warm embrace belonging to my brother. I buried my head into his shirt soaking it with my tears. 

"Shh its going to be okay" My brother soothed me rubbing my back. I pulled out of his embrace and looked at him. 

"Thank you, and sorry about ruining your shirt" I said laughing a little bit at the huge tear stains on his shirt.

"Don't worry about it, as long as your okay" he said getting up and leaving the room. I sat their in silence letting more tears fall silently. I could deny it all i want but the truth was i really missed Ace. I guess the mating bond never really dies out. It might ease the pain a little bit over time but it will always be their lingering as a reminder, that you were once mated to someone.

I grabbed my cell phone from my bedside table and checked it for messages or missed calls. I unlocked it to my surprise i had one text message from a unknown number. I immediately clicked on it hoping for it to be from Ace.

From: unknown- I'm coming after you the text message read. I felt pure terror wash over me what could this mean?. Who was this?, i shivered at the pictures that came to mind of guys behind ski masks. I wanted to tell my brother but i didn't want to worry him. It might be just a stupid joke i mean i never made any enemies except for Brittany. But i highly doubt that this was her.

Trying to ignore the text message i deleted it and set my phone on the stand. I got up from my bed and walked to my window. The sun was a blaze high in the sky shinning brightly against the blue sky. I peered at the forest trying to find signs of life. But to my surprise i found a pair of brown eyes staring back at me. I gave a gasp of surprise my heart beating faster, and backed away from the window, looking away from the eyes.

After a few minutes my heart calmed down, and i gathered enough courage to look back out the window. But only when i did the eyes were gone without a trace. I must be paranoid i mean i did just got a warning text.  stumbling away from the window i threw open my door and bounded downstairs to get a glass of water to calm my nerves. 

What i saw downstairs stopped me in my tracks. Their stood my brother, Dylan, and Vivian, Dylan's arm hung across Vivian shoulder. My mouth was open in shock what was Vivian doing here? and why did Dylan have his arm around her?.

"Vivian what are you doing here" I question her. 

"Oh i forgot to tell you me and Dylan are dating each other" she said. Vivian smiled and looked up at Dylan with loving eyes. That's when it clicked, but i still tried to deny it. I mean was it possible that Dylan and her are Mates?. 

"Cayden can we talk in private?" I whispered to him. He nodded in reply and headed towards the bathroom. I followed in pursuit, once in the bathroom i shut the door and locked it. 

"Is Vivian Dylan's mate?" I burst out not letting Cayden say anything.

"Uh, no but i guess that they fell in love" he said before quickly adding. "that's what Dylan said, that they just fell in love." I searched Cayden for any sign of lying. A twitch at the mouth, a glint in his eye, even a speeding of his heart. But to no avail i couldn't find anything telling that he was lying. So i guess he was telling the truth.  

I knew better Vivian just wouldn't fall in love with a guy she just meant.  I knew my best friend, something wasn't right and i was going to figure it out.  I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out of the bathroom. Walking towards the woods i only stopped once to give Dylan a death glare before continuing towards the woods.

 Once i was in the woods i walked around not wanting to shift into my wolf form. The trees blocked the sun from view but it was still fairly warm.  I kept walking until i heard several howls that belonged to my pack. This can't be good i thought to myself as i shifted into my wolf form. A lot of voices filled my head making it almost impossible to understand anything. But i could make out one distinct line of words that made me cold to the bone.

Dark Divine pack is about to attack us!, everybody meet at our border. 

I ran as fast as i could to the edge of the border. All of our pack members were their forming lines. I tried to look for Cayden in his wolf form but it was hard to find him over the mass of wolves here. I walked up to the second line and stood shoulder to shoulder with a wolf that was a sandy brown color. I looked down at my paws for a moment preparing myself for a fight. I looked across the border to see hundreds of wolves that belonged to the Dark Divine pack. We were out numbered by a lot.

The wolf in the front of the Dark Divine pack was Ace. Dread washed through me at the thought of having to fight him. I didn't want him or my brother to get hurt, but i couldn't stop a huge fight from happening. Before i could even blink the Dark Divine pack was hurtling themselves at us their jaws snapping at us. I held firm in my spot not wanting to be a coward and run away, but let me tell you i wanted with every bone in my body to turn and run home.

Before i could comprehend anything, i felt a strong pair of jaws latch themselves onto the scruff behind my neck. They started dragging me away from the fight and into the cover of trees. I started panicking and with all my might i tried to get loose but i couldn't shake them off. 

This is it, this is how i am going to die i thought to myself.

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