Chapter 3

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By the time i got home the sun was already setting behind the tree's. I had shifted back to my human form, and walked into my house. My brother was nowhere in sight, he was probably with the pack or his girlfriend. My parents were sitting at the kitchen table eating pizza.

"Cassie, Where have you been all day?" my mother said, once she noticed standing their. I obviously couldn't tell her about the pack. So i made up a quick lie, I hated lieing to my parents but what choice did i have?.

"I spent the day at Vivian's house" I said with no emotion in my voice. I watched as my mother studied me for a moment before nodding her head.

"Here, have some pizza you must be hungry" my father said handing my two slices of pizza on a plate. I quickly said thanks to them and hurried off to my room. Once in my room i let out a breath of relief having cleared my parents. I sat down on my bed and took a small bite of the pizza. I let my thoughts wonder, everything had changed today for better or for worse. From now on my life will never be the same, i will never be a normal teenage girl.

After i finished eating the pizza. I set the plate on my stand that was beside my bed, and looked at the clock i had on my wall. It was almost ten, with a sigh i turned off my lamp and was immediately engulfed with darkness. I was to tired to even care to get dressed in my pajamas. I got under the covers and as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out.


I woke up to my Cayden shaking my shoulder lightly. I groaned half asleep and rolled over on my other side, trying to block Cayden out.

"Cassie!, wake up, we have school today!." My brother exclaimed loudly. I just ignored it and tried to fall back asleep. I heard his footsteps retreat away from my room. I snuggled deeper into my blankets, happy that i was alone.

When i finally started to fall asleep i heard footsteps enter my room. I paid no attention to them focused on sleeping. All of a sudden i felt ice cold water being spilled all over me and my bed. I screamed at the top of my lungs and sprang out of bed. I was dripping wet from head to toe and not to mention shivering probably on the verge of hypothermia.

"Haha you should have seen your reaction!" Cayden exclaimed. I turned around to find Cayden doubled over laughing, with a bucket in his hand. His shaggy blond hair was messy on top of his head, and his Brown eyes were in slits from lagging. I glared at him enraged for spilling water all over me and my bed.

"You have three seconds to run!" I yelled at him.


"One" I cut him off.

"Two" He dropped the bucket and ran out of my room, and down the stairs.

"Three!" i screamed taking off after him. I ran downstairs to find him in the kitchen with my mother. I ran into the kitchen trying to get to him.

"What is wrong with you kids this morning!?" My mother said exasperated. Her Auburn hair was put up in a messy bun, and her blue eyes were full of disaproving.

"It's all Caydens fault!, he spilt water on me!" i yelled pointing a accousing finger at Cayden.

"Yeah but she wouldn't get up!" He said defensively.

"Okay! Enough get to school" my mother said to both of us. I glared at my brother before going back to my room to get changed.


At school I sat in my first period, English. Behind me, jerry kept throwing paper at the back of my head. I learned to ignore him he likes to cause trouble.

The bell rang signaling, making me Jump out of my seat. Well school has started, prepare for utter boredom I thought to myself.

A few moments later the teacher came into the classroom. A teenage guy about my age slowly trailed behind him. Once I got a good look at the guys face, my heart skipped a beat. His black shaggy hair was messy on his head. and his brown almost black eyes found my green ones. It was Ace, what was he doing at my school?.

"Everybody! This is Ace Wood he is new I would like you to make him feel welcome." my English teacher Mrs lakeweed said.

"He is so hot!, Just wait he will be mine." I heard the popular girls whisper across the room, thanks to my heightened hearing. I felt a pang of jealousy in my stomach. He was my mate not theirs!.

I felt a tingling sensations start through my arms. with alarm I realized this was one of the signs of shifting. I tried to calm down but my anger turned into panic. I saw someone slid Into desk beside mine. but I was to panicky to see who it was. What if I shifted I front of the whole class?.

I felt a hand lay on top of my hand. before a deep voice spoke to me.

"Calm down snowflake, don't want to shift in school." Ace said making my heart flutter with his hand on mine.

"Thank you" I said calming down. If he wasn't here I probably would have shifted In front of the whole class.

"No problem, snowflake" he said giving me a side smirk. I gave a little huff of indignation at his nickname for me.

"Can you please stop calling me snowflake?" I asked him kind of irritated.

"No can do sorry, snowflake" he said turning away from me.

"Whatever" I muttered under my breath. I turned my attention to the teacher.

"We are going to be working on a project for the rest of the school year. you will make a video of your relationship with your partner. I will be choosing your partners." Mrs lakeweed finished

I zoned out as she paired people up with partners. until she got to me.

"Cassie your going to be partners with Ace." She said giving a satisfaction smile. Oh that's just lovely I thought to myslef. what is my brother going to think? The enemy being my partner and my mate. I guess I just won't tell him. I will wait till the right time.

"I guess we are partners" Ace said leaning over whispering in my ear. so the fun begins I thought.

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