Chapter 11

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Its been at least a couple day's, maybe hours, i can't tell. I learned that the fallen angels name is Leno. My bones where stiff and sore from being in my wolf form for so long and being cramped up in the cage. I lay on the floor of the cage my head on my paws. The metal floor cutting into my fur, rubbing it raw. 

I hoped that someone would come to rescue me. But who was their to rescue me?, certainly not Ace and my brothers dead. I had no one i am alone stuck in a cage in a underground layer. The only food i get is dog food which i had to eat or else i would starve. I could tell that summer was coming to a end because at night it was starting to get colder and my water would freeze over. Thankfully it was just a thin layer so i could break it myself. 

Leno only comes into the layer at night to feed me. I had the feeling that he is keeping me alive for something. I mean because if he didn't need me why was he keeping me alive instead of letting me die?.  

I heard the door opening, but i didn't pay attention since it was probably Leno. But thats when i heard the jingling of key's and rushed steps. I looked up taking my head off of my paws to see Ace. It looked like he had gotten into a fight blood dripped down from a wound on the side of his head. His shirt was torn open revealing deep gashes that was full of blood. 

Dangling in his hand was a set of key's. In that moment it didn't matter if he could be a traitor he came for me. I watched as he bent down in front of my cage and started shoving a bunch of different key's into the cage lock trying to find the right one. 

"I'm going to get you out of here okay?" He said stumbling over his words a little. He was obviously in a rush. I had no idea where Leno was but he could be here any second. I nodded my head as best as i could so he knew i heard him.

"When i get this cage open, run until your safe no matter what happens." He ordered me using his Alpha voice. This time i didn't nod my head i just looked into his eyes. Finally he put in the last key and it worked. The cage door swung open and i leaped out as fast as i could. With one last glance at Ace. I ran out of the door.

Their was steps i had to run up to get to the opening. I tried to get up them as fast as i could once again but i stumbled over a couple stairs but finally i made it outside. But i didn't stop their i ran and ran till i was in the safety of the forest. I shifted back into my human form. 

I inhaled the fresh air enjoying being outside instead of being in the cramped up cage underground. I wonder where Ace was?. That's when i got a sinking feeling in my stomach what if Leno got to him?. What if he was locked up in the cage like i was?. 

Don't worry about me just, go home. A voice spoke into my thoughts, it sounded like Ace's. Without  farther questions or interruption's i decided to head home and listen to what Ace spoke to my thoughts. But one question still lingered

How could he speak to my thoughts while i'm human?.

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