Chapter 6

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(Breeana;s P.O.V.)

"GoodMoring babe." I opened my eyes and saw Cody staring in my eyes. "Goodmoring love." "How did you sleep?" Cody asked standing up."Awesome. Today me and Haley want to talk all of ya'll to do someing. But first we have to go shopping." "Okay well Madison will be here in 10." "Okay, now lets go get some beakfast." We walked downstairs to see Jake and Josh sitting at the bar watching Alli and Haley making pancakes."Hey Alli after we eat and Madison gets here me and Haley are taking ya'll shopping and then all of us are going to do something." "Okay well Madison should be here by now."Sure enough she was Cody walked over to the door and let Madison in.

We all set at the table and ate and then Cody's driver took us to the mall. "Cody we will meet ya'll at the food court." "Okay love." We went to a couple stores and then went back to the food court. " Where is Cody?" "Turn around." I turned around and saw Cody. He kissed me and then we all went back to the limo."We need to go back op the house to change then we can go." "Can you tell us were we are going?" Cody,Jake,& Josh asked. "Fine we are going four-wheeler racing.Before my dad died me,him& Haley would go every week." "Awesome I have never been." Jake said.

(Cody's P.O.V)

We got back to the house and the girls went into change. We stayed in the limo. "You really like her dude don't you?" Jake asked me. "Yea she has changed my life. She is all I think about. With out her i would be lost." "Same hear with Alli." "Don't ever hurt her she is my sister and i love her, you might be my best friend but dont hurt her." "Dude i love her i wont i swear." "Jake who are you texting?" "Bella she wont stop trying to get me to make you and Bree break up. I keep telliing her no but she wont leistening." "Dont reply to her text thats what i do." "Okay." The girls came out wereing shorts and Fox t-shirts. (Link in comments) "Wow you look beauitiful." "Thank you Cody." We got there and there were 3 four-wheelers.

(Breeana's P.O.V.)

 "Me and Cody are on one, Alli and Jake are on one, and Haley and Jake get the last on." We got on and started racing. Me and Cody were in first. Then is was Haley and Josh. We lost countrol and all i reamber is blacking out. I woke up in a white room with people in there.

(Alli's P.O.V)

"Cody she's awake!" Cody came up and sat on the bed with Bree and started talking to her. All of us left to give them time so he could tell her the news.

(Breeana's P.O.V)

"Bree your up!" "What happened Cody?" "We were rinding four-wheelers and we lost countrol and hit a tree." "Oh well it has happened brfour to me so its nothing new." "Okay and the doctor came in and told me that your mom was in a car wreak last night and died this moring. I'm so sorry Bree." I coundnt speak i was in shock. My dad died last year and now my mom..Cody is all i have. "My mom and dad went to your house and packed everything in your room  and moved it to the guestroom i mean your room." "Okay when do i get to get out?" I said in tears. " In a few hours and i am going on tour next week and tomarow if you feel okay we get to decorat our bunks. Which means panting,a new bed spread and anything else you want for it." "Okay well can you go get the doctor? I have a really bad pain in my leg." "Yea be back in a sec." "Hello Mrs.Tanner do you have any pain in you leg?" "Yes very. What happened?" "You broke you leg and you have cast." "Oh okay and when can i get out?" "As soon as Mrs.Simpson gets in hear." She got in the room and we left.


A/N Heyy well thats chapter 6 hope ya'll liked it! Vote Comment and Fan Love ya'll!! 143 <3

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