Chapter 6: Mission Set Up (Edited, Please Reread)

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Sorry I felt like doing that. Anyway blah blah blah here's the next chapter, blah blah blah I don't own 'Naruto', blah blah blah he belongs to Hinata, blah blah blah hope you enjoy my efforts, vote, comment–

Temari: Okay hold on a minute, Adri what's going on? You aren't like this.

Me: Meh, I feel lazy today.

Temari: Oh, are you on your period or something?


Third Person POV:
Location: Konohagakure Secret Agency; Outside Hokage's Office

"Hey, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata!", exclaimed the blond once he saw his comrades in the hallway who were all strangely walking at the same location he was directing himself to.

"Naruto? What are you doing here?", the pink haired spy asked confused while the two dark haired spies remained silent.

"Oh, I'm heading to Kakashi-sensei's office I was told he wanted to see me and a few other spies. What about you guys?", he replied asking a question expecting Sakura to answer but she was beat to it by the raven haired spy.

"We're also on our way to see the Hokage, loser", Sasuke answered the blond's answer which the answer seemed quite obvious but it's Naruto who's asking, you wouldn't really be that surprised.

After the little chat between the Konoha spies, they all entered the Hokage's office together. Inside was the Seventh Hokage, Kakashi Hatake, spinning in his wheel chair as if he had been waiting and it seemed it was just something he did in his spare time.

'Doesn't he have his 'perverted/pervy' book?', all of the Konoha spies though simultaneously at the amusingly comedic sight, pulling a giggle out of the Hyuga spy which caught the blond knuckle head spy.

Although in his life he has heard many sounds which some he found attracting and some not so much... But it would seem that the sound of the Hyuga heiress' laugh and ways of expressing amusement, he found, would you say 'angelic'. 'Out of all the sounds', he thinks. He got lost in a trance the instant he took a single glance at the Hyuga heiress' direction. Still confused over the blissful feeling that would send waves of joy in his heart and soul, yet still the slight fragment of his knowledge and self awareness was, once again, in full understanding of this new emotional state of being, though the rest was just utterly confused and oblivious to the entire conflict, like a battle for the answer in his train of thought.

But was then brought back to the face of reality when he heard his former sensei's voice talk of something he would have to pay attention to or he'll regret it.

"Ah you're a here. Please take a seat, this will take a while to explain", the silver haired Hokage suggested and the spies took their seats in front of the Hokage's newly polished desk.

"So, Kakashi-sensei. Why did you ask for us? I mean, Naruto I get, but me, Sasuke, and Hinata? That's new, especially all of us simultaneously", Sakura questioned. This was rather confusing for all of them, so Sakura had technically spoken everyone's mind.

"Ah yes, sorry to make you all un absent for your duties as leaders, well except for Naruto, but I'm going to send you all on an S-ranked mission", the Hokage announced to the Konoha spies, clearing up a couple doubts, alas not all of them. "I know some of you are confused as to why some of you are going on a mission, but understand I've chosen you for a reason. Now you four will be going on an undercover mission, posing as married couples to get information and hopefully stop a new threat to the entire world. Your mission is to get information on CEO of Ōtsutsuki Offices, Toneri Ōtsutsuki. Now Toneri is planning to make illegal trips to the moon to gain hidden documents on every heavily armed and tempered countries and terrorist groups in the world.

Undercover Love {Naruhina Fanfiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz