Chapter 1

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* three years later from the summery so that would make them currently 10 and 8 years of age *

(( Vic pov ))

"Mama can I go over to Kellin's?" I ask.

Kellin is my best friend other than Mike, my little brother. Kellin and I have been friends as far back as I can remember. The best part is that Kellin lives next door, so I can see him all the time.

"Ok honey but don't leave the estate" she said to me.

"Ok" I responded

And I left the house and walked next door to see my best friend. I knock on his front door. Kellin's house is a just like mine well all of them are similar in this area. It's a gated community we live in. All the houses here are I guess you would say are larger than the average house everywhere else, but for here they're average. When Kellin's mom answers the door.

"Hello! Is Kellin home?" I asked his mom. She nodded and called for Kellin.

Within minutes Kellin comes down from his room to greet me.

"Hey Vic" he greeted.

"Hey! Wanna play soccer in the yard?" I asked him.

That's another thing, we love to play soccer and challenge each other. Even though I'm better than him, he's still good.

"Sure" he said and grabbed the ball and we played in the front yard.

"Hey! Can I play too" I heard my annoying little brother yell as he's running over.

"No!" I said sternly.

"Why not?" He whined.

"Because I said so and I'm older, plus it would make the teams uneven" I told him.

"I'm telling mama" and he pouted and walked back to the house.

After a couple of hours we were getting tired and Kellin not wanting to admit that he was losing, we decided to take a break from soccer. Kellin and I went back to my house and get a snack and drinks.

"Hi mama, can Kellin and I have a snack?" I asked her.

When we walked in I saw Mike watching cartoons in the tv room.

"No sweetie, dinners going to be ready soon" she told us.

"Hey Kels wanna stay for dinner?" I asked him.

"Sorry Vic I can't we're going out tonight, which means I should get going" he said.

"Ok well I'll see ya tomorrow" I said to him and he walked out and back to his house.

I join Mike in the tv room to watch cartoons with him. But I don't want to watch this. So I grab the remote from him. And switch the channel.

"Hey! Vic I was watching that!" He whined.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"Vic!" He whined again, trying to get the remote back.

"I'm telling mama" he said.

He's such a tattle tale, and a baby, I mean come on. That's his usual line he's always telling on me. But mama usually doesn't do much about it. It's usually over petty things like this he complained about.

"Mama! Vic changed the channel on me" he whined to her.

"Vic change it back" she told me.

"Fine, whatever" and I switched it back and Mike came back and sat on the couch with me again.

"Hello!" I hear my papa come in.

I leave Mike and go and hug my papa. Papa works a lot of hours, but he always comes home for dinner.

"Hey papa!" I said to him.

He hugged me back and picked me up and walked me into the kitchen where mama is.

"Hey honey" she said to papa and then they kissed, gross.

"Dinners ready, Vic can you get your brother?" She asked me. I nodded and walked back to him.

"Mike, mama says dinners ready, so come on" I said to him.

"Ok coming" he said turned the tv off and walk behind me.

Then we sat in our seats at the table they were never assigned, but we always sit in the same seats. Then mama passed out the plates and we started eating.

"Viv my brother is going to come by tomorrow and drop off Nick, and then we're off for a business meeting" papa said to mama

Mike looked excited he and our cousin Nick are close, they're also the same age. So that helps too.

"How long will you be away this time?" Mama asked papa

"Only a day or two" he answered.

All the while we're eating our pasta dinner.

Once dinner was done I went to my room, I like to spend some time by myself before I go to sleep. It's currently 8 and I have to be in bed at 9. My room is grey, has a full size bed, a walk- in- closet, and two large windows with curtains a 50' tv and arm chair with a video game system and about 30 games to go with it, and an attached bathroom. I also have a large desk for my school work. Mike's room is pretty much set up the same way except this room is painted a medium blue color. Mama and papas room is the biggest, it's a rich deep red color, they have a huge king size bed, a large bay window with gold and red curtains, a large 80' tv and small couch and huge bathroom with a shower and a jacuzzi in it.

It was getting late so I had to get ready for bed. I plug my phone into the charger and left it on my desk. Mike's already fell asleep. So I did my usual routine. And eventually I crawled into bed and went to sleep.


Well I hope everyone like the first chapter. Remember they're kids right now. Anyway I'm exited for this story, I don't know how long it will be so just go with it for now. Also most of this story will be in Vic pov unless I said otherwise. Keep reading, commenting, and voting ! Love you all =)

Living Like A King -Kellic Where stories live. Discover now