Chapter 18

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(( Vic pov ))

As soon as I walked back into the house my happiness went away as if it never happened.

I was faced with my uncle, and he looks pissed off.

"I thought I told you and your little brat of a brother to never come back!" He spat at me. Just then Mike showed up at my side.

I didn't know what to say, I too much was happening all at once one minute I'm happy and it's the best and then it's turns and becomes bad. I was so overwhelming-


(( Mike pov ))

"Vic, vic, vic!" I shouted, while light tapping his face hoping he'd wake up. He just collapsed.

"Come on, bro, wake he fuck up" I said frantically.

"Mama!" I shouted.

I didn't even care that my uncle was still shouting at me, I tuned him out I don't care what he's saying right now my concern is Vic, right now. And what happened.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled at my uncle then I punched him in the face. He stumbled back, and his nose was bleeding, just as mama came over and saw what was going on.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Come we have to go, Vic passed out and we need to get him to the hospital. I punched cause he wouldn't shut up even after Vic passed out. Come on!" I said frantically.

She rushed over, got her keys and we went out to the car I want into the back seat so I could hold Vic till we got there.

Mama drove and we finally got there. They took Vic into the back, and now we have to wait.

I sat in the waiting room, with mama, for a long time. I called Nick so he knew what was going on.

Just then I notice someone rush in, and over to mama. He looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on who he is.

"Viv, what's going on" the boy said to mama.

"Kellin what are you doing here?" Mama said.

That's Kellin. Damn. No wonder Vic was confused. This is the first time in seeing him in years.

"Kellin?" I questioned.

He looked at me. But didn't say anything back. Luckily mama saved us from the awkward.

"Kellin you remember my son Mike right?" Mama said to him.

"Mike? Damn, you got tall" he said.

"And you got... Hi" I said. I'm such an idiot, that was so awkward. I should just shut up.

"Kellin sweetie what are you doing here?" Mama asked again. Taking his attention away from me and the awkward going on.

"I got a call from Nick, that Vic was in the hospital, which I thought was weird since we just left my house, and he was so happy, I was just wondering what happened" he explained.

"Vic passed out, our uncle was yelling at us as soon as he walked in, but other than that I don't know, we'd have to ask him, when he wakes up" I said.

I'm so in trouble, I can see way Vic liked Kellin after only seeing him once, a couple weeks ago-

But I was put out if my thoughts when a nurse came out and over to us.

"Are you mr Vic Fuentes' family?" the nurse said.

"Yes" mama said.

We got up and followed her into the back rooms.

"Why are you coming?" I said to Kellin.

"I want to see my boyfriend" he said.

"Boyfriend?!" I said rather loudly. At least enough that it got mama's attention too.

"I guess Vic didn't get a chance to tell you" he said awkwardly. Mama smiled.

"Tell me what?" I asked curiously, even though it's pretty obvious now.

"When he came Over to talk to me about somethings, he said that he liked me and I've always liked him, so now we're.... Yeah, ..." He said trailing off at the end.

"Yeah Vic mentioned that you kissed him, ... We'll continue this later" i said as we arrived at Vic's room.

He's still out but the doctor said that he should be up any minute. We waited in the room with him listening to the machines beep, looking at my big brother like that breaks me.

"Soo, Kellin tell me again" I said.


(( Vic pov ))

Ugh, what the hell just happened?
Where am I? And why are the light so bright?

I'm in a hospital.

I wake up and there's mama and Mike, but he's talking to someone, wait that's Kellin what is he doing here? What's happened?

"What happened?" I asked. The room fell silent just then.

"Vic sweetie, were in the hospital, you passed out at home" mama said.

"Vic, we were going to ask you that? What happened?" Mike asked.

Let me think for a minute, I came home felling on cloud nine with Kellin then I walked into the house and I was out within a couple minutes.

"Well, I was coming back from Kellin's, I was really happy when I left..." I looked at him, he blushed a little then looked down.

"Yeah we'll talk about that later" Mike said confusing me.

"Ok, then I came into the house and I was being yelled at then I was out, I don't really remember why, though. WAIT!, everything just got to me, I was overwhelmed with everything going on in such a short amount of time. You know, we arrive, then we're talking to mama and moving back here, then I talked to Kellin and everything that happened with him, then I came back to my uncle yelling at me about something, I was overwhelmed" I told them.


"I guess I didn't know how to process everything" I said out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry" I heard Kellin say shyly.

"You have nothing to be sorry for?" I questioned.

"I know but I feel like I shouldn't have added to the pressure" he said.

"No don't say that, I'm glad you did, it was my uncle, Kellin, don't worry" I said to him. He nodded.

"Yeah, while we're on the subject... Boyfriends?" Mike said.

I guess Kellin told them.


I hope everyone likes the story. I spend hours writing the chapters and editing them, to draft and save till I'm ready to post them. (This goes for all my stories as well) Thanks to all who read my stories you mean a lot. It means that I'm actually decent at this. Anyway stay awesome everyone. =)

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