Chapter 21

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(( Vic pov ))

Today is my first day back to school, a new school, one in LA.

But it's the same one Kellin goes too so I'm glad about that. At least I'll know someone. I'm sure it will be better than my old school, nothing's worse than that school.

Since mama hasn't gotten around to buying me a car yet, Mike and I are catching a ride with Kellin, and he just showed up.

"Mike come on!" I shouted to him.

Mike is the worst when it comes to getting ready for school.

"Michael!" I shouted again.

"Ok, ok I'm here" he said coming down the stairs.

"Can we go now?" I said sarcastically. He nodded and then rolled his eyes at me.

We walked out the door and up to Kellin's car.

"Shot gun!" Mike yelled and ran a head of me.

"Oh hell no" and ran after him.

Curse Mike and his giraffe legs. He beat me.

"Nope, sorry this seat is reserved of boyfriends only" Kellin said, then smirks at me.

"Fuck you" he said annoyed and got into the back seat. While I sat next to Kellin.

We finally arrived at the school. Since this is a private high school and not public, it should be different.

I was starting to get nervous.

"Vic you coming?" Kellin said while smiling at me.

I was so in thought I didn't even realize that I was still in the car. That's when I noticed Mike had disappeared off to somewhere.

"Yeah, I'm coming" I told him and I got out of his car.

Kellin walked me too the office to get my schedule.

"Hey I got to go to class, but I'll see you later ok, and hopefully you'll be in one or two classes, see ya Viccy" Kellin said to me before going into the office. Then he pecked my lips and walked away.

I smiled and walked into the office.
I saw Mike in there too. I haven't seen him since we were in the car, was he still mad he didn't get shot gun.

"Hello what can I do for you boys?" The old lady in there asked.

"Yeah, we're new and we'd like our schedules" I said.

"Alright give me one minute" she said, walking to a pile of papers.

Then she walked back over to us holding the papers.


"Victor and Michael Fuentes" I told her. And she then handed us the papers.

"Thanks" I said and we walked out of there and separated.

I found my classroom. Room 234, creative writing, this class I should like. I then walked in and found a seat in the back, I didn't recognize anyone so I stayed to myself. I looked over my schedule again, I didn't really pay attention to what the teacher was saying.

Living Like A King -Kellic Where stories live. Discover now