Chapter 7

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(( Vic pov ))

To Mike: you have to get a ride home I have to go right to work sorry

From Mike: no prob see ya later

I love how chill Mike is he never makes a fuss over anything, and it is really nice. I don't have to worry about him all that much. But I still do.

As I drive to the airport there's so much fricken traffic, it's driving me crazy. Oh my god

But I eventually arrive and I'm only a couple minutes late because of the crowds.

"Hey Andy" I said walking into the back room. 

"Hey Vic" he said back. "But you are a bit late"

"I know, but there was traffic and it's crowded out there, sorry" I told him.

"Ok, get right to it though" is all he said after that.

We go through our shift, customer after customer and now it's starting to slow down, a couple hours later. Once it starts to slow down things get boring.

"Hey you guy can go on break now, while this place is slow" our manager Jake said.

Andy and I nodded and we grabbed a coffee each, benefit of working here we can have free coffee and treats. So we go sit at one of the tables and drink our coffees.

"So Andy, what's going on?" I asked him.

"Not much, my girlfriend want to move in with me though" he said.

Andy's a few years older than me and be has a girlfriend Juliet and they've been together a long time.  

"Oh cool, are you guys going too?" I asked him.

"I don't know yet" he said and I nodded in response.

We look over to the resister and Jake took over for the few customers that stroll in.

"Hey Andy, look Jake is at the register" I said to him.

We chuckle at the thought of him at the register.

"He's so annoying, you know he has me working everyday this week for the entire day" he told me.

"Really, that sucks" I said to him.

"Yeah, and Juliet is pissed that I'm always working"

"Ah man sorry about that. He's so annoying, to me too, I had to come right from school today, and then I have to get home and actually do my homework before tomorrow" I told him.

"Really that sucks too" he said.

"Why does he work us so much, I mean really, have us work less shifts or get more workers" I joked to Andy.

He chucked at my comment.

"Yeah, true though" he said.

"Vic and Andy time to get back to work" we heard Jake say. We groaned in annoyance.

Andy and I threw out our now empty coffee cups and went back to work.

The door opened and closed, I didn't see who walked in but I can see the line picking up in length, it's 6pm.

I put on my fakest happy persona and try and be as cheerful as I can.

"Hello how may I help you" I said over and over to each customer.


(( Kellin pov ))

Mother me woke up early for our flight even though it's not for 5 hours. We had to make sure that we had everything and that the plane is on time.

We did get to the airport two hours early so we waited. It was pretty boring. But they let us go on the plane half hour early.

When we landed in San Diego it was different. I still don't understand why we couldn't just drive here it's only two hours away. The flight was only 20 minutes. Seems like a waste, but whatever.

We got to the terminal for the next flight. It's in about an hour. So we just wait, it's about 6pm, and the flights at 7.

"The 7pm flight to Cancun has been delayed by three hours because of weather in the Cancun area"

The person over the loud speaker said. I swear I groaned loudly.

"Now what are we going to do?" I asked father.

"We'll have to wait Kellin there's nothing we can do about it" mother intruded.

"I'm going to look around maybe buy a coffee or something" I told them and I got up and walked around the airport.

There's a lot of low end markets here. Plus this place could use a good cleaning. However I did come across a Starbucks, and I love Starbucks coffee it's the best, over all the other coffee shops.

I walk in and got on the line. Whenever I go to Starbucks I always get the same thing a chocolate chip frappachino. It's really good. The line is moving pretty quickly which is a good thing, I hate standing in lines.

It was finally my turn.

"How may I help you"

"I'll have a chocolate chip frappachino" I said.


"Kellin" I responded.

"That's funny, one of my old friends was named - "

"Kellin?" They said.

I gave them a curious look.

Well they kinda look familiar but I don't know- wait

I look at the name tag Vic

My eyes grow wide, it can't really be him, he died years ago.


Living Like A King -Kellic Where stories live. Discover now