Chapter 13

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(( Kellin pov ))

When we arrived back in California we landed in San Diego and I have an hour until our next one to LAX. I have to find Vic.

I went to the Starbucks to see if he was there. When I went inside I didn't see him. Shit, he must have today off. I was hoping that I could talk to him again. Now I'll probably never see him again.

I got a coffee from there anyway, I saw this other guy that I remember from the last time. He's hot but not my type, his names Andy, at least that's what his name tag says.

I left the coffee shop and went back to my parents and slumped in the seat until the plane was ready to let us on, now I just want to go home and not talk to anyone.

I even ignore my parents and just put my ear phones in and tune out the whole world.


(( Nick pov )) Surprise!

I got just home from school, I parked my car, dad bought me a brand new Porsche and it's black, I love it. However I was surprised that my fathers car was in the driveway.

He's never home so early.

He's been acting differently. When my uncle and cousins died years ago he didn't even look the least bit upset.

Aunt Viv was devastated, but recently she's been doing better. I still catch her looking at old pictures of her family. Then she'll cry a bit to herself. I still feel bad for her. But she's doing better and that's all that matters.

".... No! That's not possible how?! What the hell am I paying you idiots for...."

I hear as I pass my fathers office. Now I'm curious what is he talking about. I stay put and eaves drop.

"...And now you asses tell me there in town... You have to get rid of them if they find out it was me you'll all be out of a job..."

What. The. Fuck. Who the hell is he talking about and what did he do that he's paying people to to get rid of someone.

I knew he's been acting differently but I just need to know what it was that he did. I continues to listen.

"...just do what you've got to do. If Vic and Mike show up here then your all fired!"

What! My cousins are alive and he never told me or aunt Viv, but that was all of the conversation I heard. And he hung up on whoever he was talking to and hit his fists on the desk. I walked to my room to think about what he was talking about. I have to tell Kellin he'll be thrilled. He loved Vic.


(( Vic pov ))

Today it the day. Mike, Tony, Jaime and I are going to LA so I can sort out everything that's been going on in the last two weeks.

Jaime is going to drive, which is a good thing I'm to nervous and anxious to drive. And it's not that long anyway.

I haven't even thought about what I was going to say to mama. But I'll be good to see her again. I miss her a lot. I just hope that she will accept us again, and not be disappointed in us. With what we did and everything.

I take a deep sigh looking out the window.

"Hey, you alright?" Mike asked.

"Yeah I'm just nervous to see everything and everyone again, we spent so long away from it, ya know" I told my brother.

"Yeah I know I'm nervous too" he said.

And nothing else was said the rest of the way there.

When we arrived in Los Angeles, I got a wave of nostalgia. I felt like I was transported back in time to when I was a little kid again. Sometimes I long for the days when I was a kid again. But I'm not a kid anymore.

We kept going farther and farther into the city and then we came across our old community.

That's when I freaked.

"STOP THE CAR!" I shouted.

And Jaime slammed on the brakes and I they all starred at me.

I got out of the car and walked away a bit and sat on the ground. We were near a park so I sat in the grass. It was a park I used to come to a lot with Mike and Kellin.

I sat there and I was shaking, breathing heavily and I was even starting to cry. I wasn't sure why though. I've never been so emotional in my life then I have in the last couple of days. I felt like I was suffocating or drowning. I needed to get out of the car and fresh air but it's not working.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I flinched and looked up to see it was only Mike, then I relaxed a bit knowing it was him.

"What's the matter with you? I've never seen you like this Vic... And why'd you freak us all out?" He asked.

I couldn't talk I was still to overwhelmed with emotion to talk.
Mike noticed and started to hug me and rub my back.

I was having a panic attack.

After about fifteen minutes I was able to clam down and Mike and I went back to the car and continued on.

"So wanna tell me what that was all about?" Mike asked when we arrived at the car.

"Well... when we arrived in the city, I got this whole wave of nostalgia and I kept thinking about our lives when we were kids and then I suddenly relived the accident and I freaked out.... I'm sorry" I told him. He nodded in understanding.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked me. I nodded.

Jaime continued on driving, with the help of Mike's directions to our mothers home.

We got to the front of the house and everything hit me again I was having flashback after flashback. I finally spoke up.

"I can't do this today lets come back here tomorrow" I said frantically.

Mike looked at me with sympathy.
How the hell is he so calm.

"Yeah, guys can we go to a hotel for a while, I think Vic needs a rest" Mike said. Thank god for him.

They drove away from the house and to a local hotel and that's where we stayed Tony and Jaime have no idea what's wrong and all so I keep getting looks from them.


Hope that everyone it's enjoying the story. I started a new story it's a kellic and I have a bunch of other stories that are published, if you'd like to read them. The new one is called 'Captivity'. Anyway keep reading and voting! Love you. =)

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