Chapter 12

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(( Vic pov ))

After Mike and I's talk last night, I feel a lot better. He explained himself, I guess I did overwhelm him, a bit. But once I started talking everything sort of just came out.

Mike doesn't care I'm gay, I knew he wouldn't, cause Tony and Jaime. But the fact that he walked out when I told him is what hurt me.

*Flashback to last night*

"Ok I'll talk, you just listen then" Mike said.

"First, I don't care that your gay or whatever, ok, I accepted Tony and Jaime, so I accept you, and especially you, your my older brother. Second, I can't believe you never told me this before, and that you dated a guy, and basically lied to me about dating that girl. You tell me about that later though. Third, Kellin kissed you? And now you think you like him. You only saw him once since you were a kid, why would he do that?... But anyway, I don't care, if you feel that you have to sort this out then we'll get to the bottom of this, ok together. And about living off of Tony and Jaime all these years, I agree, I've felt we've sort of taken advantage of them so, yeah.... Oh and one last thing what the hell did you do to yourself?" Mike said to me and asked.

I thought about everything he was saying and really paying attention. A couple of questions I was scared to answer.

"Thank you Mikey" is all I said to him and I hugged him. While ignoring his questions.

"No I want you to answer my questions" he said.

Shit. Now it's my turn to explains my self.

"Fine, well when Lindsey and i broke up a couple years ago, I knew things didn't feel right with us so that why I cut it off with her, then I thought about what it would be like to date a guy, so I did, and I didn't want to tell anyone in case things didn't go well, but it actually went pretty well, better than with her, but something still didn't feel right so I cut it off with him too and I was to scared to tell you, I'm sorry about that, so to cover up that I dated him, I told you I got back together with her, I know I shouldn't have done that, but I was to scared" I explained to him.

He didn't say anything he only motioned for me to continue. So I did.

"Then yes, that day I saw Kellin at the airport he kissed me, I don't know why, but he did. And it got me really confused. I mean he is really attractive now, I was surprised i didn't even recognize him at first, it's not till he said his name to me. Ok. But also cause I don't know the type of person he is anymore. But I do remember Kellin always being very clingy to me when we were younger, I thought it was because we were such close friends, but it could have also been that maybe he likes me I don't know, I didn't ask him I just left him there after he kissed me." I explained to him.

"Ok. I believe you. Now tell me about this and why?" He said pointing to my arms. Ok yes I cut them.

"Ok about this its goes way back to when papa died. I was so ashamed of myself and scared and annoyed with myself. I eventually stopped after two years and I haven't  done it since I was thirteen, but when all this came up all so suddenly I freaked and started again. I'm sorry Mikey" that's when I lost it and cried.

*end flashback*

We did tell Tony and Hime, after but they are willing to come with us. I'm thankful that we have such good friends like them.

It only took me an hour to make up my mind when to leave and that's as soon as possible. Like tomorrow.

I really don't have many friends here, only a few so I texted them that I'll be away for a while, idk yet if I'm going to stay. Then I called my job that I'm taking a few days off.

I packed a few things into a backpack and Mike did as well. Mike and I went to sleep so we can get up early and drive up to LA.


(( Kellin pov ))

Today is my parents and I's last day here and we're going back to early in the morning.

We are stopping in San Diego again and I'm hoping to see Vic again, I hope I can convince him to come back I missed him so much. I did move on, but now that I know he's alive I can't let him get away again.

I still can't believe I kissed him, I don't regret it, it felt so right and I don't know about Vic, but I have to get him to like me, I've liked him for years and I kept comparing everyone to him. I know he was 'dead' but something in the back of my mind said that he wasn't, and now I know.

Mother and father came back around after a few hours, and ignored the fact I saw him. That's when they started talking to me again. As fun as this was, I didn't do as much as I'd normally do.

I was to distracted. Mostly with my thoughts. I just hung around the pool and in the hotel room. We did buy a few souvenirs and that's really it.

I've also been trying to think of ways to be less selfish, if I'm going to try and get Vic, he called me selfish so I want to impress him next time I see him.


"Kellin, sweetie get up" mother called.

I got up and we had to leave the room cause it's our last day. And we have a flight to catch.

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