Chapter 2

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((Vic pov))

"Vic! Mike! Time to go!" I hear papa call us, as I wake up.

Papa always drives us to our school, it is a private elementary school. I get up and put on the uniform. As the front door opens.

"Viv! My bothers her with Nick" he called to mama.

"Ok" she called back.

Mike and I went down stairs so papa could drive us to school. Nick goes to our school as well. He and Mike are in second grade and Kellin and I are in fourth grade. Me and Kellin are in the same class.

"We're ready papa" I say. He smiles at us and we head out the door.

"Bye mama!" Mike and I say.

"Bye boys!"

We get into the back seat of papas car and Nick and my uncle join us. Mike is in the middle I'm on the end and Nick is on the other side. We finally pull up to the school and we get out of the car.

"Bye papa!" Mike and I say.

Nick said bye too. And we walked into the building. I found my room and they found theirs. I sit just happen to sit next to Kellin. It's really fun, we get to talk to each other all day.

Now it's recess and Kellin and I like to swing on the swings or play soccer. We switch once and a while, but it's mostly these.

"Hey Kellin what do you want to do" I asked him.

"Umm..." He thought. Then he pointed to the secluded set of swings all the way in the back.

"Ok" I said and we walked over to them.

Kellin doesn't like to be around a lot of people. And he's very quiet, but he does talk to me a lot, just not in school. We sit there for a while and talk. But now recess is over and we have to go back to class.

At the end of the day Mike, Nick, Kellin and I take the bus home. And we all go over to my house.

"Hi mama! We're home" I say. "Kellin's here too"

"Hi boys" she said.

We go down to the game room. Yes we have a game room. And we have a movie theater too. But we play games and talk.

After a few hours the door opens I thought it was papa but it's only Hayley. She's the housekeeper, she cleans, cooks sometimes, and she's always the one to babysit Mike and I, when mama and papa go out.

"Kids supper is almost ready so go and get ready yourselves" she said to us.

"Kellin you going to stay?" I asked him.

"Sure" he said. I smiled, I don't know why I did that though.

"Hello!" I heard papa coming in. My uncle was with him, not looking to happy though.

"Can you watch them for a minute I'll be right back" papa said the his brother. He nodded.

"Hey boys" he said to us.

"Hi" we all said.

Then papa came back with Hayley.

"Boys time for dinner" she said.

We raced up the stairs and into the dinning room.

Once dinner was done we went outside to play. The four of us played soccer. But Nick kicked the ball really hard and it went into the forest behind our house.

"Nick! Why did you do that!" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Sorry" he said.

"Come on Kellin lets go get it" I asked or more demanded. And he followed me.

The forest is really creepy especially at this time. It's almost night time and sometimes homeless people stay in the forest. It's really weird.

"Do you see it?" I asked him. He shook his head no.

We kept looking. After another few minutes I finally spotted it.

"There it is!" I pointed and ran over to it. I heard foot steps behind me. But is probably Kellin.

"Vic can we get out of here now, it's giving me the creeps" Kellin said.

"Yeah let's go" I said but we tripped on something as we were going to leave.

"Watch where your going kid!" Someone said loudly. Then two more people came and surrounded us.

"Heeeeeyy, aren't you the Fuentes kid?" One of them asked. I didn't say anything.

"Yo Gabe, you hang around that house you must know?" The one said.

"Yeah, Jack, I think it is and the Bostwick kid too" the one named Gabe said.

I was scared how did they know us. I looked at Kellin and we was giving me a pleading look like let's get out of here. I nodded at him while they were arguing, and we ran.

We ran all the way into my house going right passed Mike and Nick.

"What's wrong sweetie" I heard mama say.

But Kellin and I were still to scared. We didn't say anything. Mama came over to us.

"Can you tell me now?" She asked again.

I was still out of breath but I managed to speak.

"There... were... people... In the forest ... talking to us... and they knew... who we are... And it was... Really... weird" I said.

"Why were you boys in the forest to begin with?" She asked.

"Nick... kicked the... ball and ... it went in... there... so Kellin .... And I.... went to... get it back" I said. He nodded in agreement. She nodded ok and I think we went to get papa.

"Victor!..." She called. But I didn't hear anything after that.

Shortly Mike and Nick came in too they looked confused to see us run like that. But they didn't question us. They just sat with us. I saw papa come into the room he looked concerned but was able to smile at us anyway.

"You guys want ice cream?" He asked us. I looked over at Kellin.

"Sorry, I would but I should get home now it's late" Kellin said.

"Bye" I said to him.


Nick and my uncle left too and Mike, papa and I are getting ice cream. We drive to the closest Carvel and we pick out the flavors we want.

"I want the... Cookie dough" Mike said. The girl scooped it out and placed it on the cone and handed it to Mike.

"I want the... Vanilla with sprinkles" I said. She scooped out two scoops and put it on a cone and handed it to me.

Papa paid the girl and we left. Papa didn't get any. He's lactose intolerant, what ever that means. We got back into the car and papa drove us back home.

Mike! Shut up already!" I said to my annoying brother.

But that's when everything went dark.


Cliffhanger ooohhhh, hope everyone is enjoying this story. Love you all. =)

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