[Chapter 15] Back To Normal

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Author's Note: Okay, so this book is ALMOST over. There's going to be maybe three more chapters after this one. Though the last one will be like the "big bang" chapter =P That's probably not the best way to describe it, but, it's going to have to do. These next few chapters will be short, sorry for that. Anyways, I hope you like it and thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

-Sam's POV-

My eyes fluttered open to a light blue-ish purple color. My first thought - am I dead? Is this what being dead feels like? My throat didn't hurt anymore. I didn't feel like I was dying anymore. I must be dead. I've got to be.

But my beliefs were soon proved wrong when I heard a loud knocking come from my right. I tilted my head in that direction to a door open up, one that illuminated the room I was in - my bedroom. My mother walked in. I was confused at first - I thought she died. I thought I died. I thought I was in a post-war world, not the safety of my bedroom. I sat straight up.

"Samantha, how many god damn times do I have to tell you to get up!?!" She yelled at me, walking across my room and opening my curtains, allowing the early morning sunshine to shine through my window. "We're going to be late!"

"Late for what?" I retorted, watching her as she walked across my room, back to the door.

She rolled her eyes, "I'll tell you when we're in the car, okay?" Before I could continue the conversation any more, she stepped into the hallway, shouting, "DAD! YOU TOO! GET UP!"

"I'm already up, Penny!" My grandfather's familiar voice replied, "Gees! Calm down! We'll get there when we get there! There's no rush." My heart almost stopped - he's alive too!?! I jumped out of my bed and pushed my mother to the side before running down the stairs and into the kitchen, where my grandfather sat at the counter, with a bowl of cereal in his hands and a spoon in his mouth.

"Grandpa?" I croaked, slowly approaching him.

He set down his cereal bowl and smirked, "Good morning, Sam."

"How? What? I...I thought you died!" I whispered. I leaned in closer, "I thought I died."

He smiled, "I did. You did too. But I'm back. As are you."

"What day is it?"

"July 15." I did the small calculation in my head, and last time I remember, the date was October 27. He smiled, "I get you're confused right now, Sam. But you did it, Sam. You did it!"

"I did it?" I repeated, leaning my arms on the counter in front of my grandpa.

He nodded his head, "Yes. The prophecy is complete. Anthony and Ian are reunited. Idris and her witch and wizards are no longer. It all went as planned! I knew you could do it, Sam! I knew it!"

"But what about Rachael and Natalie? They're witches. Are they no longer too?"

He sighed, "They're doing okay."

"And doing okay means...?"

"They are back to normal, Sam. So are Anthony and Ian. As are you, me, and everyone else in this world. No body knows a thing but you, me, and possibly, but not likely, the people you encountered while fulfilling the prophecy."

"So just like that," I retorted, "No more witches? No more wizards? No blood-thirsty guy with a Tomahawk and no more strategic elf guy with a sword?"

He chuckled, "Oh, the witches and wizards are still out there, they're just back in the shadows like they should be. Or in Rachael and Natalie's case, they don't even realize it. Same with Ian and Anthony, they shouldn't remember a thing."

"Will I ever see Ian again?" I inquired, blushing, "Or Joey? Or any of those amazing people I met?"

He winked at me before walking around the counter, rinsing out his empty bowl, and walking up to the staircase. He yelled up to my mom, "Penny! Are you almost ready?"

"Almost!" She shouted back.

"What's happening?" I inquired, turning around and watching as my grandfather put his favorite pair of sunglasses on, "Where are we going?"

"Oh, about that, Sam, your brother was found in California. We got the call from the police there this morning."

My heart stopped almost for the second time that day. "You...you mean Joey?"

He nodded his head, and in return I squealed in excitement.

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