Chapter Three- 'I just kept going'

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Chapter Three - 'I just kept going'

-Joey's P.O.V-

I couldn't take it. I couldn't look at him. I just couldn't.

I stood there, watching him get abused by some of the strongest people I know.

I stood there.

I didn't try to stop them.

I raced through the the thick cold air, my feet pounding of the side walk.

I could have saved him.

But I didn't.

And the worst part was, he saved me.

If it wasn't for him I would be in his place at the minute. Probably curled up on the ground, not being able to get up of it.

He took the beating for me, even though he doesn't know that.. yet.

Everyone is going to know tomorrow.

Thanks to fucking Sawyer.

-Shane's P.O.V-

I can feel the blood trickling down from my broken nose, but I can't bring myself to wipe it away.

Everywhere hurts.

I cautiously get up off the ground. Feeling the cold air hit me.

I grab my head, hoping the dizziness would go away.

It didn't.

It's going to take me forever to get home at the speed I'm going.

And my dad is probably waiting for me at the door.

-Joey's P.O.V-

I quickly checked the time on my phone before opening the door, slowly.


I told my dad I'd be home by 22:00.. crap.

I tiptoe up the stairs, trying my best to dodge the squeaking floor boards and gently push my bedroom door open.

No-one's here. Thank God.

I decide to take a shower to forget about tonight and hopefully prepare myself for tomorrow.


"It's going to be okay."

"Don't worry about it."

"You'll be fine."

I lay in the darkness staring at the black ceiling saying these things to myself over and over and over again.

But I knew none of them were true.

I can feel my eyes getting heavy so I turn the lamp beside me off and go to sleep.

-Shane's P.O.V-

I finally got home. Even though I wish I could be anywhere but home.

I open the door to find my 'dad' sprawled across the couch in an uncomfortable looking position.

And there's empty bottles of nearly every kind of beer scattered on the floor.

Cans were scrunched up and lay in one big pile on the floor.

But one thing in particular caught my eye.

A full bottle of vodka sat on the coffee table, just looking at me.

Alcohol make people forget things, right?

Because I really want to forget.

walk over, grab the bottle, turn around, go down the hall.

That's what I've done in the past and it always works. He never wakes up.

He won't notice it's missing either. He has tons stored away in the darkness of the cupboards.

I limp into my room, with only one thing on my mind.

I sit on the edge of the bed and turn the bottle top.

I place the bottle to my lips, slowly tilting my head back letting the liquid burn my throat.

At first I cough and sputter.

But I just kept going.


I have so much respect for the people that update their fanfic everyday.

Holy crap.

Anyway, I know I didn't update yesterday.. So I'll update twice today (maybe).

Once I posted the last chapter I noticed my phone changed Rey to Ray.

Except I wrote Rsy.. Missing the E completely and autocorrect changed it to Ray. Whoops..

I don't have anything else to say..

Bye<3 (sorry for the really short chapter)

Somewhere Only We Know (Shoey)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora