Chapter Eight- 'It's not your fault'

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Chapter Eight- 'It's not your fault'

-Shane's P.O.V-

I sat with my head against the window. I feel bad for leaving Joey on his own. But he's taking his date to my hiding spot. It normal to be mad, right?

The whole bus goes quiet, with a few snickers from the back. I look up to see Joey getting in the bus. He's going to want to talk now, isn't he?

He saunters up the bus and throws his weight down on the seat beside me. Not once making eye contact.

Why is he just sitting there? Should I say something?

"Sorry..", I breath.

"It's fine, Shane. I had all my other friends to walk around with.", he says sarcastically. He's definitely not happy.

"Joey.." I start, but I can't think of anything to say. I already said sorry. Maybe I should just say it again? "I'm so-"

"Stop Shane, don't start apologising over and over again. All I want to know is why you ignored me all day? You were fine this morning. But after we walked in you just left me.. Is it because your ashamed to be seen with me? Because you don't want everyone looking at you when you walk down the corridors with me? Am I that much of a burden?" His voice start to crack near the end.

That's when he looks at me. He's crying. What have I done? I should have stayed with him. Especially on a day like this.

"No, Joey you're completely wrong! Why would I be ashamed to be seen walking down the corridor with you? Everyone looks at me anyway. Have you seen the shape of me?" I joke, gesturing towards my body.

"Shut up Shane, there's nothing wrong with you."

"I'm glad you think so", I chuckle.

"You didn't answer my question. If you don't mind being seen with me then what was the problem?", he says staring at me.

I can't just tell him that I like him and that I'm jealous of Tyler. What the hell am I going to say?

"I didn't want you to be seen with me. What if they tried to hurt you? They beat me up again today, and if you we're there you probably would have been too. I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

What I said was true. I really don't want them beating him up because of me.

"Oh. I thought you were jealous of Tyler or something." He laughs.


"What? No!" I grin along with him. Except I know it's a fake grin.

-Joey's P.O.V-

"Want to come to my house today?", I ask, "We could play Ghosts?"

I really want him to give me some advise for my date tomorrow, I've never been on one before.

"Sure", Shane's eyes lit up, "But what the hell is Ghosts?"

Wait what? How the hell does he not know?

"Um, Call of Duty?" I feel like I need to question it. "The game? For the Xbox?"

"Ohhh, I've never played any games like that before." He smiles sadly.

Then he whispers, "I have hardly any money for food"

Was I supposed to hear that?


"Oh, nothing.. Look it's our stop."

Again with the excuses.


-Shane's P.O.V-

We get off the bus, hearing the odd "Don't forget protection faggots" or "who do you think tops?".

Which would be me. Of course.

"Bye Stephen", I say jumping out of the bus' door.

Where's Joey's house again?

I stand on the footpath like a dork.

"It's this way Shane" Joey points left, looking amused at my stupidity.

"Oh, yeah...", how could I forget. I'd watch Joey walking home all the time. Envying him and his perfect house. Perfect family. Perfect life.

We walk for ages, until we stop outside a stunning stone house, blending into the similar ones around it. The only difference being it has a red door.

"My mom isn't here. She's at work.", Joey informs me, walking up the path leading to the front door.

He takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door, continuing, "And I don't know where my dad is"

"Same. I came home yesterday and he was gone."

-Joey's P.O.V-

What?! I guess his moms there?

"Really?! Why about your mom? Is she there?"

As soon as we throw ourselves on the brown leather couch he starts to tear up.

What's wrong with him? Did I say something?

"No, it's my fault though. If only I wouldn't have come out to my family she wouldn't have left. If only. If only. If only. That's all I can think about Joey. It was me that ruined my family. Me." At this stage tears were streaming from his eyes and his face had turned red and blotchy.

I wrapped my arms around him, holding his head to my chest. How can he think that? It's not his fault his mom was a bitch.

Faint whimpers and sniffling noises were the only things you could hear for a few minutes. It was awful seeing him like this.

And I could only do one thing.

I hushed and whispered in his ear. Repeating my self over and over.

"It's not your fault"


Hello! I know it's short but it's something, right?

First of all I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone reading this! I wouldn't update if it weren't for you. Because, what would be the point?

And an extra thank you to anyone that has voted, it means a lot :)

Footpath- what do Americans call it? I honestly don't know.. Maybe you call it a footpath too?

Well it's a path for your feet, so..

Sorry for any spelling mistakes!


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