Chapter Nine- 'Fuck everything.'

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Chapter Nine- 'Fuck everything.'

-Shane's P.O.V-

My mood was far better, thanks to Joey.

Now we were playing this Ghosts game.. I don't even know.

I've been dead longer than I've been alive. I don't understand it. Why do people like these kinds of games? They're a complete waste of time. Wandering around shooting things, it's just not for me.

I have enough violence in my life.

The only reason I keep playing is because every time I die Joey giggles,

"Shane you need to look at the screen"

Crap. Just like right now. Dead. I don't care anyway. I stare at Joey most of the time, when he's looking at the screen.

I wish he would have said no to Tyler. I've never hated anyone as much as him right now. Hearing his name makes my blood boil. Tyler.

"Joey", I say poking his side to try and get his attention. We were sitting on his bedroom floor, cross legged, in front of the tv. Not the most comfortable place to be, "You're laugh is so cute".

"You think so?", Joey asks, going fuchsia.

"Yeah", I answer, staring at his cheeks. I swear I've never seen his blush as bright as it is now.

-Joey's P.O.V-

Should I ask him? He probably won't mind.

"Since we already have the game paused, would you mind if I ask you some questions?", please say yes.. I need your help.


"Okay well, tomorrow is my first date,.. ever. And I was wondering what I should wear?", I say truthfully.

"Why do you have to bring this up?", he groans. Um, what's wrong?

"Because I have no idea what to do on a first date.. Like, should I kiss him? Or should I wait?", I whisper, completely embarrassed. How do I not know these things?

"Well, I hope you don't", he chuckles. I raise my eyebrow. What's that supposed to mean? "Well, I mean Tyler can be a bit horrible. I just don't want you getting hurt.", his eyes finally move from the position on the floor to look into mine.

Wow they're so blue. I've never seen anything like them.

My eyes fix on his, not daring to move away.

-Shane's P.O.V-

I drop my eyes to his lips. They look so kissable. Slightly parted. Tempting.

Maybe I should kiss him. He might not go out with Tyler. It could go extremely well, or horribly wrong.

But I take my chances.

I lean my head in slowly. His lips feel like heaven. Not too dry, not too wet. Perfect.

At first he kisses back. Until he realises what he's doing and pushes me. Fuck.

"Shane! What the fuck was that?!", he screeches.

"Um.. I-I'm sorry. I'll just go..", I stutter, pulling myself up of the carpet, moving towards the door in a quick pace. Im about to reach the handle when I feel something latch on to one of my arms.

"You can't just leave Shane! Not after that!"

"Joey keep your voice down.", I say casually.

"Is this why you don't want me to go on a date with Tyler?! Oh my God, you are jealous! I can't believe this. Shane, I don't like you that way. I never have and I never will! You can't just kiss me out of the blue! I like Tyler. And I will be going on a date with him. You can't stop me!", he yells.

I never will.

Even though I already knew it, hearing him say it breaks my heart. Why is he being such an ass? It was one kiss.

"Fine, you don't have to be so horrible about it.", I get out just in time before my face is smothered in tears, that won't stop..

I turn on my heal and stride out of the bedroom. He can go fuck himself. Fuck him. Fuck Tyler. Fuck everything.

I race to my house, getting there in no time, panting.

I wonder did my dad leave any drink in the cupboards?

-Joey's P.O.V-

What the fuck was that?

He had just strut out the door, looking like a complete mess. He knew I didn't like him like that. He was there when Tyler asked me out.

So, why did he have to kiss me and make me feel like a complete dick about hurting him?

That's obviously why he snubbed me all day. Jealousy.

What he said was right, I was a complete heartless jerk. I need to apologise.

I jump off the floor, bound down the stairs and grasp the door handle like my life depended on it. As soon as I swing it open, cold air hits my bare arms. Shivering I speed-walk out the gate and look down the road. Nothing. He's not here.

Where is his house again? I remember Sawyer and I banging on his door one night. His dad was away on one of his 'adventures'. I cringe remembering what happened once he opened the door. Since then I'll never forget what his house looks like.

I know for a fact that he walks the opposite direction as me when we get off the bus. So I'll walk that way until I see it.

I start to make my way down the pavement, against the strong, cold wind, hunched up, teeth chattering.

Shane's house better not be far.


Hello! So I didn't update yesterday, sorry, I was away most of the day.

Thank you, mdean03 for the shoutout!!

I know this chapter is short (as usual) and I'm sorry for that too.

I can't think of anything else to say other than,

Spelling mistakes- sorry!


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