Chapter Fourteen-'He Doesn't Matter'

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Chapter Fourteen - 'He Doesn't Matter'

(2k+ words, wow)

-Shane's P.O.V-

I hate lying here. I hate not being allowed home. I hate not being able to see Joey.

I've been stuck in this hospital for a few days. A few days that seemed to drag on. They want to keep me in for three more nights 'incase I try it again'. I didn't want to tell them that I was actually drunk, it was easier saying I meant to cut myself. It wasn't a complete lie, I did mean to do it, I was just in a deranged drunken daze.

My nose was bandaged. I broke it when I fell down the stairs. Lies, of course. It wasn't believable at all in my mind, but the doctors seemed to think different. Thankfully all of the bruises on my body helped back-up what I had told them and they didn't think twice before accepting my ridiculously stupid excuse.

I sometimes waken up at night. It seems like my mind can't help but put me through misery, it dreams about the night I found Joey. Seeing him bruised and cuffed made my heart shatter. It was all my fault. If I wasn't drunk I would never have harmed myself and Joey wouldn't have had to look after me.

My iPhone made a deafening beep on the ugly, unattractive table beside my bed. My heart catapulted, soared through the air and splatted against the wall tainting its clean, pure white paint. That's what it felt like, anyway.The mere thought of it being Joey had my stomach doing flips. But the burst of happiness vanished as quick as it had appeared.

Lisa- Has Joey answered you yet? Let me know as soon as he does!

It was Lisa. I met her when I was at the cafe. She's extremely kind and really friendly. I was allowed out of my bed for a measly hour on Friday morning, so I walked around the hospital and wound up eating toast. Which was burnt and tasted like cardboard. I couldn't complain though, it was better than what I'd got at home during the past week.


"Hey! Are you okay? You look really sad.", my body leaped from the convulsion the pretty blonde girl's words give me. I looked up at her completely shocked, startled and confused.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Can I sit here?", I couldn't speak with the lump that formed in my throat. The best I could do was nod.

"Thanks!", she smiled at me with perfectly straight, white teeth. "I'm Lisa. But my friends call me Lisbug, I don't know why though because I absolutely hate bugs. They're literally the grossest things ever, right?", she stared at me patiently, waiting for my delayed response.

I couldn't help but laugh, and she looked at me with one eyebrow raised, curiously. "I'm sorry." I apologised the best I could, "You just talk really fast, in a good way though, you can get a lot out in one breath. And I agree, bugs are definitely the worst. I'm Shane, by the way." I smiled. It was the first time I'd smiled in a long time.

"It better be in a good way!", she chuckled, obviously joking or so I hoped. "So, Shane, do your friends have any nicknames for you?"

My stomach dropped at the question. My eyes pricked a little at the realisation. My mouth went dry when I tried to speak.

I didn't have any friends, did I? I thought I had Joey, but my dad ruined that. I really did have no-one anymore. So I just shook my head and hoped she didn't question it.

"Oh", she whispered, nodding her head slowly in understanding. "I see. Well, I can give you a nickname if you want me to.", she lifted both corners of her lips and looked at me sympathetically.

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