Chapter 4: Cadet Kirk

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 We were called to go back to Starfleet headquarters. The incident with Uhura and Spock was still fresh on my mind. I was sitting in my apartment when my communicator started to ring. I answered it to hear the voice of Admiral Pike. "Penny," he said in a cheerful tone, "I would like for you, Captain Kirk, and Commander Spock to come to my office first thing in the morning. I have some things to discuss."

 "Yes, Sir," I said into the communicator. "See you then." I closed the small device and went to take a shower. 

 Once I had dried off, I slipped into my pajamas and slid into bed. My mind started to wonder. What on earth could the Admiral want with us?


 I followed Kirk and Spock to the office. We were wearing our gray Starfleet uniforms. Kirk seemed to be exceptionally excited, while Spock and I were not so sure.

 "Spock," Kirk said, "I'm telling you, this is why he called. I can feel it!"

 Spock tilted his head. "Your feeling aside, I consider it highly unlikely that we will be selected for the new program," Spock insisted.

 "Why else would Pike want to see us?" Kirk asked. "Forget about seniority. They gave us the newest ship in the fleet. I mean, who else are they going to send out?"

 "I can think of numerous possibilit-"

 "A five-year mission, Spock!" Kirk breathed out while slapping Spock in the chest. "That's deep space! That's uncharted territory! Think how incredible that's gonna be."

 I rolled my eyes. "Captain, after what happened on Nibiru I highly doubt we-" I started, but I was quickly interrupted.

 "Hey, ladies. Jim Kirk," Kirk said with a smile.

 I let out a humph and kept walking, avoiding eye contact with Spock.


 " 'Uneventful,' " Admiral Pike read. All three of us were standing in attention in front of Pike's desk.  We had our hats neatly tucked in our arm while the other arm fell freely to our sides. To my left was Spock, and to his left was Kirk.

 "Admiral?" Kirk questioned.

 "It's the way you described the survey of Nibiru in your captain's log," Pike explained.

 "Yes, sir, I didn't want to waste your time going over the details," Kirk explained. Spock turned his head towards Kirk with a "you-better-not-have" look on his face.

 "Yeah, tell me more about this volcano," Pike belted out. "Data says it was highly volatile. If it were to erupt, if would wipe out the planet."

 "Let's hope it doesn't, sir," Kirk said.

 "Something tells me it won't," Pike said with a not-so-amused grin. Spock turned his gaze towards me. I looked at him with wide eyes and he straightened himself out, still facing forwards but looking at Kirk with the corners of his eyes.

 "Well, sir, volatile is all relative," Kirk said coolly, "Maybe our data was off."

 "Or maybe it didn't erupt because Mr. Spock detonated a cold fusion device inside it right after a civilization that's barely invented the wheel happened to see a starship rising out of their ocean!" Pike shouted, motioning towards Spock. "That is pretty much how you described it, is it not?"

 Spock drew in a small breath. "Admiral...-"

 "You filed a report? Why didn't you tell me?" Kirk said in an astonished voice while glaring at Spock.

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